Dynamical dimerization phase in Jaynes-Cummings latticesRubén Peña, Felipe Torres and Guillermo RomeroNew Journal of Physics, Vol. 22, pp. 33034
Dynamical quantum phase transitions and non-Markovian dynamicsThi Ha Kyaw, Victor M. Bastidas, Jirawat Tangpanitanon, Guillermo Romero, and Leong-Chuan KwekPhysical Review A, Vol. 101, pp. 12111
Faraday-wave contact-line shear gradient induces streaming and tracer self-organization: From vortical to hedgehoglike patternsH. Alarcón, M. Herrera-Muñoz, N. Périnet, N. Mujica, P. Gutiérrez, L. GordilloPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 125, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.254505 254505
Relationship between UV Energy and Formation of Secondary Particles in Santiago de Chile. AerosolE. V. Gramsch, C. R. Soto, P.P. Oyola, F.A. Reyes, Y. Vasquez, M. A. Rubio, P.A. Pérez, M. A. TagleAerosol Air Qual, Vol. Res. 20: 2117–2127., pp.
The roles of microtubules and membrane tension in axonal beading, retraction, and atrophyA. Datar, J. Ameeramja, A. Bhat, R. Srivastava, A. Mishra, R. Bernal, J. Prost, A. Callan-Jones, P. A. PullarkatBiophysical Journal, Vol. 117(5), pp. 880 , 891
Black carbon and other light-absorbing impurities in snow in the Chilean AndesPenny M. Rowe, Raul R. Cordero, Stephen G. Warren, Emily Stewart, Sarah J. Doherty, Alec Pankow, Michael Schrempf, Gino Casassa, Jorge Carrasco, Jaime Pizarro, Shelley MacDonell, Alessandro Damiani, Fabrice Lambert, Roberto Rondanelli, Nicolas HuneeusScientific Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 4008
Elemental and Mineralogical Composition of the Western Andean Snow (18°S–41°S)Juan A. Alfonso, Raul R. Cordero, Penny M. Rowe, Steven Neshyba, Gino Casassa, Jorge Carrasco, Shelley MacDonell, Fabrice Lambert, Jaime Pizarro, Francisco Fernandoy, Sarah Feron, Alessandro Damiani, Pedro Llanillo, Edgardo Sepulveda, Jose Jorquera, BelkiScientific Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 8130
Fluid-supported elastic sheet under compression: Multifold solutionsL. Gordillo, E. KnoblochPhysical Review E, Vol. 99, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.043001 43001
Formación de profesores de física en Chile; realidad y desafíosHernández, C., Gómez, Y., Ruz, D., Silva, M., Tecpan, S.REDIE, Vol. , pp.
Hidden symmetries of rationally deformed superconformal mechanicsLuis Inzunza, Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review D, Vol. 99, pp. 025001
Klein four-group and Darboux duality in conformal mechanicsLuis Inzunza, Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review D, Vol. 99, pp. 125016
Localized Faraday patterns under heterogeneous parametric excitationH. Urra, J. F. Marín, M. Páez-Silva, M. TakI, S. Coulibaly, L. Gordillo, M. A. García-ÑustesPhysical Review E, Vol. 99, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevE.99.033115 33115
Nonlinear symmetries of perfectly invisible PT-regularized conformal and superconformal mechanics systemsJ. M. Guilarte, M. S. PlyushchayJ. High Energ. Phys., Vol. 2019(194), pp.
Observations and Projections of Heat Waves in South AmericaS. Feron, R. R. Cordero, A. Damiani, P. J. Llanillo, J. Jorquera, E. Sepulveda, V. Asencio, D. Laroze, F. Labbe, J. Carrasco & G. TorresScientific Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 8173
Parity-Assisted Generation of Nonclassical States of Light in Circuit Quantum ElectrodynamicsFrancisco A. Cárdenas-López, Guillermo Romero, Lucas Lamata, Enrique Solano and Juan Carlos RetamalSymmetry, Vol. 11(3), pp. 372
Shape of a recoiling liquid filamentF. P. Contò, J. F. Marín, A. Antkowiak, J. R. Castrejón-Pita, L. GordilloScientific Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 15488
Time-of-flight of solitary waves in dry and wet chains of beads: experimental results and phenomenological modelsRaúl Labbé, Lautaro Vergara and Ignacio OlivaresPhysics of Fluids, Vol. 31, pp. 051703
Vacuum-enhanced optical nonlinearities with disordered molecular photoswitchesMarina Litinskaya, Felipe HerreraPhysical Review B, Vol. 99, pp. 041107(R)
AdS and Lifshitz black hole solutions in conformal gravity sourced with a scalar fieldFelipe Herrera, Yerko VásquezPhysics Letters B, Vol. 782, pp. 305 , 315
Angular dependence of the magnetic properties of permalloy and nickel nanowires as a function of their diametersS. Raviolo, F. Tejo, N. Bajales, J. EscrigMaterials Research Express, Vol. 5, pp. 015043
Bound states in the continuum in whispering gallery resonatorsM Ahumada, PA Orellana, JC RetamalPhysical Review A, Vol. 98, pp. 23827
Composition and diameter modulation of magnetic nanowire arrays fabricated by a novel approachM. S. Salem, F. Tejo, R. Zierold, P. Sergelius, J. M. Montero Moreno, D. Goerlitz, K. Nielsch, J. EscrigNanotechnology, Vol. 29, pp. 065602
Correct answers with wrong justifications? Analysis of explanations in classical mechanics with FCI testHernández, C., Tecpan, S.Journal of Physics: Conference Series , Vol. 1043, pp.
Distinct magnetic field dependence on Néel skyrmion sizes in ultra thin nanodotsF. Tejo, A. Riveros, J. Escrig, K. Y. Guslienko, O. Chubykalo-FesenkoScientific Reports, Vol. 8, pp. 6280
Dual-plane slightly off-axis digital holography based on a single cube beam splitterMiguel León-Rodríguez, Juan A. Rayas, Raúl R. Cordero, Amalia Martínez-García, Adrián Martínez-Gonzalez, Alejandro Téllez-Quiñones, Pedro Yañez-Contreras, and Orlando Medina-CázaresApplied Optics, Vol. 57(10), pp. 2727 , 2735
Dynamics and Scaling of Explosion Cratering in Granular MediaM. Gao, X. Liu, L. Pasetti Vanin, T.-P. Sun, X. Cheng, L. GordilloAICHE Journal, Vol. 64-8, pp. 10.1002/aic.16063 2972 , 2981
Dynamics of drop impact on solid surfaces: evolution of impact force and self-similar spreadingL Gordillo, T.-P. Sung, X. ChengJournal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 840, pp. 10.1017/jfm.2017.901 190 , 214
Ethylene glycol mediated facile and controlled growth of ultralong hexagonal silver molybdate microrodsJavier Enriquez Montenegro, Carolina Manquian Villalobos, Dinesh Pratap SinghMaterials Letters, Vol. 215, pp. 129 , 133
Evaluation of Himawari-8 surface downwelling solar radiation by ground-based measurementsAlessandro Damiani, Hitoshi Irie, Takashi Horio, Tamio Takamura, Pradeep Khatri, Hideaki Takenaka, Takashi Nagao, Takashi Y. Nakajima and Raul R. CorderoAtmos. Meas. Tech., Vol. 11, pp. 2501 , 2521
Floquet stroboscopic divisibility: coherence preservation in non-Markovian dynamicsV. M. Bastidas, T. H. Kyaw, J. Tangpanitanon, G. Romero, L.-C. Kwek, and D. G. AngelakisNew Journal of Physics, Vol. 20, pp. 93004
Graphene oxide: An efficient material and recent approach for biotechnological and biomedical applicationsDinesh Pratap Singh, Carlos Eugenio Herrera, Brijesh Singh, Shipra Singh, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Rajesh KumarMaterials Science and Engineering: C, Vol. 86, pp. 173 , 197
Hexaaquazinc(II) dinitrate bis[5-(pyridinium-3-yl)- tetrazol-1-ide]Ignacio Chi-Duran, Javier Enriquez, Andres Vega, Felipe Herrera, and Dinesh Pratap SinghCrystallographic Communications, Vol. E74, pp. 1231 , 1234
Hidden superconformal symmetry: Where does it come from?Luis Inzunza, Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review D, Vol. 97, pp. 045002
Impacto de estrategias de aprendizaje activo sobre el conocimiento disciplinar de futuros profesores de física, en un curso de didácticaC. Hernández, L. Lopez, A. Gonzalez, S. TecpanPensamiento Educativo, Vol. 55(1), pp. 1 , 12
Lily Pollen Tubes Pulse According to a Simple Spatial OscillatorM. Van Hemelryck, R. Bernal, Y. Ispolatov, J. DumaisScientific Reports , Vol. 8, pp. 12135
Measurement-based adaptation protocol with quantum reinforcement learningF Albarrán-Arriagada, JC Retamal, E Solano, L LamataPhysical Review A, Vol. 98, pp. 42315 , 42315
Metastable decoherence-free subspace and pointer states in mesoscopic quantum systemsF Lastra, CE López, JC RetamalPhysical Review A, Vol. 97, pp. 42123
Multiqubit and multilevel quantum reinforcement learning with quantum technologiesFA Cárdenas-López, L Lamata, JC Retamal, E SolanoPloS one, Vol. 13, pp. 1 , 25
Multiqubit and multilevel quantum reinforcement learning with quantum technologiesFA Cárdenas-López, L Lamata, JC Retamal, E SolanoPloS one, Vol. 13, pp. 1 , 25
Multiqubit and multilevel quantum reinforcement learning with quantum technologiesFA Cárdenas-López, L Lamata, JC Retamal, E SolanoPloS one, Vol. 13, pp. 1 , 25
Non-Invasive Neurite Mechanics in differentiated PC12 cellsF. Gárate, M. Pertusa, Y. Arana, R. BernalFrontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, Vol. 12, pp. 194
Novel Antimicrobial Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes Obtained through a Combination of Atomic Layer Deposition and Electrospinning TechnologiesC. L. de Dicastillo, C. Patiño, M. J. Galotto, J. L. Palma, D. Alburquenque, J. EscrigNanomaterials, Vol. 8, pp. 128
Nucleation of superfluid-light domains in a quenched dynamicsJ. Figueroa, J. Rogan, J. A. Valdivia, M. Kiwi, G. Romero, and F. TorresScientific Reports, Vol. 8, pp. 12766
One-way quantum computation in superconducting circuitsF. Albarrán-Arriagada, G. ALvarado-Barrios, M. Sanz, G. Romero, G. Romero, J.C. Retamal, E. SolanoPhysical Review A, Vol. 97, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.032320 32320
Oxygen Pathways and Budget for the Eastern South Pacific Oxygen Minimum ZoneP. J. Llanillo, J. L. Pelegrí, L. D. Talley J. Peña‐Izquierdo, R. R. CorderoJGR Oceans, Vol. 123(3), pp. 1722 , 1744
pH-Controlled Assembly of 3D and 2D Zinc-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks with Tetrazole LigandsIgnacio Chi-Durán, Javier Enríquez, Carolina Manquian, Kerry Wrighton-Araneda, Walter Cañon-Mancisidor, Diego Venegas-Yazigi, Felipe Herrera, Dinesh Pratap SinghACS Omega, Vol. 3, pp. 801 , 807
pH-Controlled Assembly of 3D and 2D Zinc-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks with Tetrazole LigandsIgnacio Chi-Durań, Javier Enríquez, Carolina Manquian, Kerry Wrighton-Araneda, Walter Cañon-Mancisidor, Diego Venegas-Yazigi, Felipe Herrera, and Dinesh Pratap SinghACS Omega, Vol. 3, pp. 801 , 807
Quantum criticality and state engineering in the simulated anisotropic quantum Rabi modelYimin Wang , Wen-Long You, Maoxin Liu, Yuli Dong, Hong-Gang Luo, Guillermo Romero, Jian-Qiang YouNew Journal of Physics, Vol. 20, pp. 53601
Quantum Mechanical Engine for the Quantum Rabi ModelG Alvarado Barrios, F Peña, F Albarrán-Arriagada, P Vargas, J RetamalEntropy, Vol. 20, pp. 767
Rational deformations of conformal mechanicsJosé F. Cariñena, Luis Inzunza, Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review D, Vol. 98, pp. 062017
Recent advances in the synthesis and modification of carbon-based 2D materials for application in energy conversion and storageRajesh Kumar, Ednan Joanni, Rajesh K. Singh, Dinesh P. Singh, Stanislav A. MoshkalevProgress in Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 67, pp. 10.1016/j.pecs.2018.03.001 115 , 157
Spin-1 models in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of circuit QEDF. Albarrán-Arriagada, L.Lamata, E. Solano, G. Romero, J.C. RetamalPhysical Review A, Vol. 97, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.022306 1 , 9
Theory of Nanoscale Organic Cavities: The Essential Role of Vibration-Photon Dressed StatesFelipe Herrera, Frank C. SpanoACS Photonics, Vol. 5, pp. 65 , 79
Ultraviolet radiation in the Atacama DesertCordero RR, Damiani A, Jorquera J, Sepúlveda E, Caballero M, Fernandez S, Feron S, Llanillo PJ, Carrasco J, Laroze D, Labbe F.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Vol. 111(8), pp. 1301 , 1313
A Fresh Look at Growth Oscillations in Pollen Tubes: Kinematic and Mechanistic DescriptionsM. Van Hemelryck, R. Bernal, E. R. Rojas, J. Dumais, J. H. KroegerPublisher: Springer, Vol. Book Chapter 14, pp. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56645-0_14 369 , 389
ABC of ladder operators for rationally extended quantum harmonic oscillator systemsJ. F. Cariñena, M. S. PlyushchayJ.Phys., Vol. A50(27), pp. 275202
Absorption and Photoluminescence in Organic Cavity QEDF. Herrera, F. C. SpanoPhysical Review A, Vol. 95, pp. 53867
Acetonitrile mediated facile synthesis and self-assembly of silver vanadate nanowires in to 3D spongy like structure as a cathode material for lithium ion batteryW. Klockner, R. M. Yadav , J. Yao, S. Lei, A. Aliyan, J. Wu, A. A. Martí, R. Vajtai, P. M Ajayan, J. C. Denardin, D. Serafini, F. Melo, D. P. SinghJournal of Nanoparticles Research, Vol. 19, pp. 288 , 302
Aprendizaje por indagación para la construcción de arquetipos en física; el caso de un curso para formación de profesores en ChileTecpan, S., Hernández, C.Latin American Journal of Physics Education, Vol. 11 (2), pp.
Aprendizaje por indagación para la construcción de arquetipos en física; el caso de un curso para formación de profesores en ChileS. Tecpan, C.HernándezLat. Am. J. Phys. Educ., Vol. 11 (2), pp. 23201 , 23207
Aula invertida mediada por el uso de plataformas virtuales: un estudio de caso en la formación de profesores de físicaHernández, C., Tecpan, S.Estudios Pedagógicos, Vol. 43, pp.
Boucing solutions from generalized EoSG. Palma, N. Cruz, F. ContrerasThe European Physical Journal C, Vol. , pp.
Concepciones alternativas mayoritarias sobre Universo, en profesores de Física en formaciónL. HuertaEstudios Pedagógicos, Vol. XLIII, pp. 147 , 162
Controlled density of defects assisted perforated structure in reduced graphene oxide nanosheets-palladium hybrids for enhanced ethanol electro-oxidationRajesh Kumar, Raluca Savu, Rajesh K. Singh, Ednan Joanni, Dinesh P. Singh, Vidhu S. Tiwari, Alfredo R. Vaz, Everson T.S.G. da Silva, Jaqueline R. Maluta, Lauro T. Kubota,Carbon, Vol. , pp.
Dark vibronic polaritons and the spectroscopy of organic microcavitiesF. Herrera, F. C. SpanoPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 118, pp. 223601
Dewetting of Co thin films obtained by atomic layer deposition due to the thermal reduction processD. Alburquenque, V. Bracamonte, M. Del Canto, A. Pereira, J. EscrigMRS Communications, Vol. 7, pp. 848 , 853
Dewetting of Ni thin films obtained by atomic layer deposition due to the thermal reduction process: Variation of the thicknessesD. Alburquenque, M. Del Canto, C. Arenas, F. Tejo, A. Pereira, J. EscrigThin Solid Films, Vol. 638, pp. 114 , 118
Dynamic self-assembly of charged colloidal strings and walls in simple fluid flowsY. Abe, B. Zhang, L. Gordillo, A. M. Karim, L. F. Francis, X. ChengSoft Matter, Vol. , pp.
Enhanced Hall Effect in Co/Pd Multilayered Nanodomes with Perpendicular Anisotropy.S. Michea, S. Oyarzún, S. Vidal, J. Casagrande DenardinAIP Advances, Vol. 7, pp. 056310
Formaciones semióticas en libros de texto: uso de modelos para interpretar fenómenos ondulatoriosHernández, S., Izquierdo, M.Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Vol. , pp.
Generation of higher dimensional entangled states in quantum Rabi systemsF Albarrán-Arriagada, G Alvarado Barrios, F A Cárdenas-López, G Romero and J C RetamalJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 50, pp. 184001
Generation of maximally correlated states in d\times d -diemnsional systems in the absence of entanglementC.E. López, F. ALbarrán-Arriagada, S. Allende, J.C. RetamalEurophysics Letters, Vol. 120, pp. 10.1209/0295-5075/120/10003 10003
Generation of maximally correlated states of dxd-dimensional systems in the absence of entaglementCE López, F. Albarrán-Arriagada, S. Allende, J.C. RetamalEPL-Europhysics Letters, Vol. 120, pp. 10.1209/0295-5075/120/10003 10003
Highly nonlinear solitary wave velocity measurement with a modified Michelson interferometerR. Labbé, L. Vergara, C. Manriquez, G. Riveros, I. OlivaresOptica Applicata, , (2017); doi: 10.5277/oa170208, Vol. Vol. XLVII, No. 2, pp.
Incoherent-mediator for quantum state transfer in the ultrastrong coupling regimeF. Cárdenas-López, F. Albarrán-Arriagada, G. Alvarado Barrios, J. C. Retamal, and G. RomeroScientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp. 4157
Laser-assisted synthesis, reduction and micro-patterning of graphene: Recent progress and applicationsR. Kumar, R.K. Singh, D.P. Singh, E. Joanni, R.M. Yadav and S.A. MoshkalevCoordination Chemistry Review , Vol. 342, pp. 34 , 79
Method for nanomodulation of metallic thin films following the replica-antireplica process based on porous alumina membranesJ. L. Palma, J. C. Denardin, J. EscrigJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 426, pp. 767 , 770
Micromagnetic simulations of Permalloy double-dot structuresF. Tejo, R. M. Corona, C. Arenas, J. L. Palma, J. EscrigCurrent Applied Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 763 , 766
Nanometric alternating magnetic field generatorA. P. Espejo, F. Tejo, N. Vidal-Silva, J. EscrigScientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp. 4736
Naturaleza de la ciencia: efecto de variables profesionales y sociodemográficasS. Tecpan, G. ZavalaMagis - Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación, Vol. 10 (20), pp. 11 , 34
Parity-preserving light matter system mediates two-body interactionsThi Ha Kyaw, Sebastian Allende, Leong-Chuan Kwek, and Guillermo RomeroQuantum Science and Technology, Vol. , pp.
Perfectly invisible PT-symmetric zero-gap systems, conformal field theoretical kinks, and exotic nonlinear supersymmetryJ. M. Guilarte, M. S. PlyushchayJ. High Energ. Phys., Vol. 61, pp.
Quantum Rabi model in a superfluid Bose-Einstein condensateS. Felicetti, G. Romero, E. Solano, and C. SabínPhysical Review A, Vol. 96, pp.
Quantum simulations with circuit quantum electrodynamicsGuillermo Romero, Enrique Solano, and Lucas LamataSpringer, Vol. Chapter 7 in "Quantum Simulations with Photons and Polaritons: Merging Quantum Optics with Condensed Matter Physics" edited by D.G. Angelakis, Quantum Science and Technology Series, Springer 2017 , pp. 153 , 180
Role of quantum correlations in light-matter quantum heat enginesG. Alvarado Barrios, F. Albarrán-Arriagada, F. A. Cárdenas-López, G. Romero and J. C. RetamalPhysical Review A, Vol. 96, pp. 521191 , 521199
Rural Electrification Efforts Based on Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems in the Andean Region: Comparative Assessment of Their SustainabilitySarah Feron, Raúl R. Cordero, Fernando LabbeSustainability, Vol. 9(10), pp. 1825
Schwarzian derivative treatment of the quantum second-order supersymmetry anomaly, and coupling-constant metamorphosisM. S. PlyushchayAnnals Phys., Vol. 377, pp. 164 , 179
Spin-Charge Conversion Phenomena in GermaniumS. Oyarzún, F. Rortais, J.-C. Rojas-Sánchez, F Bottegoni, P. Laczkowski, C. Vergnaud, S.Pouget, H.Okuno, L. Vila, J.-P. Attané, C.Beigné, A. Marty, S. Gambarelli, C. Ducruet, J.-M. George, H. Jaffrès, M. JametJ. Phys. Soc. Jpn., Vol. 86, pp. 011002
Stability of Neel skyrmions in ultra-thin nanodots considering Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and dipolar interactionsN. Vidal-Silva, A. Riveros, J. EscrigJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 443, pp. 116 , 123
Streaming Patterns in Faraday WavesN. Périnet, P. Gutiérrez, H. Urra, N. Mujica, L. GordilloJournal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 819, pp. 10.1017/jfm.2017.166 285 , 310
Sudden Transition between Classical to Quantum Decoherence in bipartite correlated Qutrit SystemsCárdenas-López F.A, Allende S. and Retamal J.C.Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp. 46664
Synthesis of self-assembled and hierarchical palladium-CNTs-reduced graphene oxide composites for enhanced field emission propertiesRajesh Kumar, Rajesh K. Singh, Dinesh P. Singh, Alfredo R. Vaz, Raja R. Yadav, Chandra S. Rout, Stanislav A. Moshkalev,Materials & Design, Vol. 122, pp. 110 , 117
Tailoring the magnetic properties of Ni81Fe19 thin films by varying their thicknessD. Alburquenque, L. Pérez-Erices, A. Pereira, J. EscrigJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 441, pp. 656 , 659
Theoretical investigation on the magnetostatic interaction between two wire-tube nanostructuresA. Riveros, D. Salazar-Aravena, J. EscrigJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 428, pp. 452 , 456
Theory of nanoscale organic cavities: The essential role of vibration-photon dressed statesF. Herrera, F. C. SpanoACS Photonics, Vol. , pp. DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b00728
Three-dimensional characterization of Co/Pd multilayer thin films using resonant soft x-ray scatteringS. Flewett, D. Mishra, T. J. A. Mori, C. M. Gunther, J. C. Denardin, S. Oyarzún, S. Michea, D. Engel, M. Fohler, T. C. R. Rocha, A. Ovalle F. , L. T. Núñez A., B. Pfau, J. Escrig, S. EisebittPhysical Review B, Vol. 95, pp. 094430
Unusual behavior of the magnetization reversal in soft/hard multisegmented nanowiresRosa M. Corona, Ali C. Basaran, Juan Escrig, Dora AltbirJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 438, pp. 168 , 172
Using a single-cube beam-splitter as a fringe pattern generator within a structured-light projection system for surface metrologyJuan A. Rayas; Miguel León-Rodríguez; Amalia Martínez-García; Katia Genovese; Orlando M. Medina; Raúl R. CorderoOptical Engineering, Vol. 56(4), pp. 044103
Visión de futuros profesores de física hacia la planificación de clases como herramienta para utilizar el Conocimiento Pedagógico del ContenidoHernández, C., Ruz, D., Tecpan, S.Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Vol. , pp. 165 , 170
¿Se sienten valorados los profesores en Chile? Percepción de un grupo de profesores en ejercicio sobre su rol docente y valoración social.Hernández, C., Pavez, A., González, A., Tecpan, S.Educación y educadores, Vol. 20 (3), pp.
Creep of sound paths in consolidated granular material detected through coda wave interferometryEspindola, David, Galaz, Belfor, Melo, FranciscoPHYSICAL REVIEW E , Vol. 94, N°1,artículo: 012901, pp.
Are the Rural Electrification Efforts in the Ecuadorian Amazon Sustainable?Feron, S, Heinrichs, H, Cordero, RRSUSTAINABILITY, Vol. 8, pp. 000377983800037
Argumentation during active learning strategies in a SCALE-UP environmentE. Campos, L. Silva, S.Tecpan, G.ZavalaPhysics Education Research Conference, Vol. , pp. 64 , 67
Beyond mean-field bistability in driven-dissipative lattices: bunching-antibunching transition and quantum simulationsJ. J. Mendoza-Arenas, S. R. Clark, S. Felicetti, G. Romero, E. Solano, D. G. Angelakis, and D. JakschPhysical Review A, Vol. 93, pp. 023821 1 , 11
Broken selection rule in the quantum Rabi modelP. Forn-Díaz, G. Romero, C. J. P. M. Harmans, E. Solano, and J. E. MooijScientific Reports, Vol. 6, pp. 26720
Cavity-Controlled Chemistry in Molecular EnsemblesFelipe Herrera, Spano, Frank C.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 116 Número: 23, Artículo: 238301, pp.
Cavity-controlled chemistry in molecular ensemblesF. Herrera, F. C. SpanoPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 116, pp. 238301
Collective Behaviour: Computing in fish schoolsIspolatov, YELIFE, Vol. 5, pp. 000368227700001
Effective parameter study for the facile and controlled growth of silver molybdate nano/micro rodsJavier Esteban Enríquez MontenegroDinesh Pratap SinghFrontiers of Materials Science, Vol. , pp. DOI: 10.1007/s11706-016-0360-x
Efficient photon triplet generation in integrated nanophotonic waveguidesFelipe Herrera, Griesse-Nascimento, Sarah, Reshef, Orad, Evans, Christopher C., Guerreschi, Gian Giacomo, Aspuru-Guzik, Alan, Mazur, EricOPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 24 Número: 9 , pp. 9932 , 9954
Efficient photon triplet generation in integrated nanophotonic waveguidesM. Moebius, F. Herrera, S. Griesse-Nascimento, O. Reshef, C. Evans, G. G. Guerreschi, A. Aspuru-Guzik, E. MazurOptics Express, Vol. 24, pp. 9932
Energetic particle precipitation: A major driver of the ozone budget in the Antarctic upper stratosphereDamiani, A, Funke, B, Lopez-Puertas, M, Santee, ML, Cordero, RR, Watanabe, S000375537300065, Vol. 43, pp. 3554 , 3562
Enhanced Spin Pumping Efficiency in Antiferromagnetic IrMn Thin Films around the Magnetic Phase TransitionL. Frangou, S. Oyarzún, S. Auffret, L. Vila, S. Gambarelli, V. BaltzPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 116, pp. 077203
Ensemble-free configurational temperature for spin systemsG. Palma, G. Gutierrez, S. DavidPhysical Review E, Vol. 94, pp. 062113
Evidence for spin-to-charge conversion by Rashba coupling in metallic states at the Fe/Ge(111) interface.S. Oyarzún, A.K. Nandy, F. Rortais, J.-C. Rojas-Sánchez, M.-T. Dau, P. Noël, P. Laczkowski, S. Pouget, H. Okuno, L. Vila, C. Vergnaud, C. Beigné, A. Marty, J.-P. Attané, S. Gambarelli, J.-M. George, H. Jaffrès, S. Blügel, M. JametNature Communications, Vol. 7, pp. 13857
Fast ultrasound assisted synthesis of chitosan-based magnetite nanocomposites as a modified electrode sensorFreire, TM, Dutra, LMU, Queiroz, DC, Ricardo, NMPS, Barreto, K , Denardin, JC, Wurm, FR, Sousa, CP, Correia, AN, de Lima-Neto, P, Fechine, PBACARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, Vol. 151, pp. 000380943900087 760 , 769
Finite-size corrections to scaling of the magnetization distribution in the two-dimensional XY model at zero temperaturePalma, G, Niedermayer, F, Racz, Z, Riveros, A, Zambrano, DPHYSICAL REVIEW E , Vol. 94, pp. 000382039000007
Forecasting hourly PM2.5 in Santiago de Chile with emphasis on night episodesGramsch, Ernesto, Perez, PatricioATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 124, pp. 22 , 27
Graphene oxide: Strategies for synthesis, reduction and frontier applicationsR. K. Singh, R. Kumar and D. P. SinghRSC Advances, Vol. 6, pp. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA07626B 64993 , 65011
Ground-state isolation and discrete flows in a rationally extended quantum harmonic oscillatorJosé F. Cariñena, Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review D, Vol. 94, pp. 105022
Hidden photons in Aharonov-Bohm-type experimentsArias, P (Arias, Paola), Diaz, C (Diaz, Christian), Diaz, MA (Aurelio Diaz, Marco), Jaeckel, J (Jaeckel, Joerg), Koch, B (Koch, Benjamin), Redondo, J (Redondo, Javier)PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 94, pp. 000379575400008
Highly efficient and tunable spin-to-charge conversion through Rashba coupling at oxide interfacesE. Lesne , Y. Fu, S. Oyarzun, J.C. Rojas-Sanchez, D.C. Vaz, H. Naganuma, G. Sicoli, J.P. Attane, M. Jamet, E. Jacquet , J.M. George, A. Barthelemy, H. Jaffres, A. Fert, M. Bibes, L. VilaNATURE MATERIALS, Vol. 15, pp. 000389104400013 1261 , 1266
Holonomic quantum computation in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit QEDYimin Wang, Jiang Zhang, Chunfeng Wu, J. Q. You, and G. RomeroPhysical Review A, Vol. 94, pp. 12328
Identificación de concepciones alternativas sobre Universo de profesores de Física en formaciónL. HuertaLatin American Journal of Physics Education, Vol. 10, pp. 1 , 6
Individual-based models for adaptive diversification in high-dimensional phenotype spacesIspolatov, I, Madhok, V, Doebeli, MJOURNAL OF THEORETICAL BIOLOGY, Vol. 390, pp. 000367770400010 97 , 105
Intermittency on simultaneous observations of riometer at several Antarctic locationsOvalle, EM, Foppiano, AJ, Stepanova, MV, Weatherwax, ATADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, Vol. 57, pp. 000372681800008 1338 , 1344
Intertwined Multiple Spiral Fracture in Perforated SheetsJF. Fuentealba, E. Hamm, B. RomanPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 116, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.165501 165501 , 165501
Magnetic and electrical characterization of nickel-rich NiFe thin films synthesized by atomic layer deposition and subsequent thermal reductionA. P. Espejo, R. Zierold, J. Gooth, J. Dendooven, C. Detavernier, J. Escrig, K. NielschNanotechnology, Vol. 27, pp. 345707
Magnetic properties engineering of nanopatterned cobalt antidot arraysAndreas Kaidatzis, Rafael P. del Real, Raquel Alvaro, Juan Luis Palma, José Anguita, Dimitrios Niarchos, Manuel Vázquez, Juan Escrig, José Miguel García-MartínJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 49, pp. 175004
Magnetic properties of mosaic nanocomposites composed of nickel and cobalt nanowiresS. Castillo-Sepúlveda, R. M. Corona, D. Altbir, J. EscrigJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 416, pp. 325 , 328
Magnetic vortex core in cylindrical nanostructures: Looking for its stability in terms of geometric and magnetic parametersA. Riveros, N. Vidal-Silva, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, E. E. Vogel, J. EscrigJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 401, pp. 848 , 852
Magnetization ground state and reversal modes of magnetic nanotoriSmiljan Vojkovic, Alvaro S. Nunez, Dora Altbir, Vagson L. Carvalho-SantosJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 126 N°3, N°artículo 033901, pp.
Magnetostatic interaction between two nanotubes during magnetization reversal by vortex domain wallsA. Riveros, J. EscrigIEEE Magnetics Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 4103004
Mechanical impulse propagation in a three-dimensional packing of spheres confined at constant pressureSantibanez, F, Zuniga, R, Melo, FPHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 93, pp. 000369331300015
Microwave heating time dependent synthesis of various dimensional graphene oxide supported hierarchical ZnO nanostructures and its photoluminescence studiesR. Kumar, R. K. Singh, D. P. Singh, R. Savu and MoshkalevMaterials & Design, Vol. 111, pp. 291 , 300
Monte Carlo Modeling of Mixed-Anisotropy [Co/Ni](2)/NiFe MultilayersEscobar, Roberto A., Tryputen, Larysa, Castillo-Sepulveda, Sebastian, Altbir, Dora, Chung, Sunjae, Nguyen, T. N. Anh, Mohseni, M, Akerman, Johan, Ross, Caroline A.IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS, Vol. 7, N° 4101205, pp.
Nanoscale zero valent supported by Zeolite and Montmorillonite: Template effect of the removal of lead ion from an aqueous solutionArancibia-Miranda, Nicolas, Baltazar, Samuel E., Garcia, Alejandra, Munoz-Lira, Daniela, Sepulveda, Pamela, Rubio, Maria A., Altbir, DoraJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, Vol. 301, pp. 371 , 380
Natural and Waste Hydrocarbon Precursors for the Synthesis of Carbon Based Nanomaterials: Graphene and CNTsR. Kumar, R. K. Singh, and D. P. SinghRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 58, pp. 976 , 1006
Natural and waste hydrocarbon precursors for the synthesis of carbon based nanomaterials: Graphene and CNTsKumar, Rajesh, Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Singh, Dinesh PratabRENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, Vol. 58, pp. 976 , 1006
Non-Abelian monopoles as the origin of dark matterFalomir, H, Gamboa, J, Mendez, FMODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 31, pp. 000382847200003
Position-dependent mass, finite-gap systems, and supersymmetryBravo, R, Plyushchay, MSPHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 93, pp. 376256900008
Rugged constant-temperature thermal anemometerR. Labbé, J. PalmaReview of Scientific Instruments 87, 125112 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4972585, Vol. 87, pp. 125112 (2016)
Skyrmion core size dependence as a function of the perpendicular anisotropy and radius in magnetic nanodotsAllende, S (Allende, S.), Castro, MA (Castro, M. A.)[ 1 ]JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, Vol. 417, pp. 379147500052 344 , 348
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Spin to Charge Conversion at Room Temperature by Spin Pumping into a New Type of Topological Insulator: α-Sn FilmsJ.-C. Rojas-Sánchez, S. Oyarzún, Y. Fu, A. Marty, C. Vergnaud, S. Gambarelli, L. Vila, M. Jamet, Y. Ohtsubo, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, N. Reyren, J.-M. George, A. FertPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 116, pp. 096602
Spin transport in p-type germaniumF. Rortais, S. Oyarzún, F. Bottegoni, J.-C. Rojas-Sánchez, P. Laczkowski, A. Ferrari, C. Vergnaud, C. Ducruet, C.. Beigné, N. Reyren, A. Marty, J-P Attané, L. Vila, S. Gambarelli, J. Widiez, F. Ciccacci, H. Jaffrès, J-M. George, M. JametJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Vol. 28, pp. 165801
Stress profile in a two-dimensional silo: Effects induced by friction mobilizationVivanco, F, Mercado, J, Santibanez, F, Melo, FPHYSICAL REVIEW E , Vol. 94, pp. 000381896600010
Structural and physicochemical properties of nickel manganite NiMn2O4-delta synthesized by sol-gel and ultra sound assisted methodsAlburquenque, D, Troncoso, L, Denardin, JC, Butera, A, Padmasree, KD , Ortiz, J, Herrera, F, Marco, JF, Gautier, JLJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 672, pp. 373464000043 307 , 316
Supertranslations and Superrotations at the Black Hole HorizonDonnay, L, Giribet, G, Gonzalez, HA, Pino, MPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 116, pp. 000371419600005
Sustainability of rural electrification programs based on off-grid photovoltaic (PV) systems in ChileSarah Feron, Harald Heinrichs, Raul R. CorderoEnergy, Sustainability and Society, Vol. 6:32, pp.
Temperature-dependent magnetic properties of Ni nanotubes synthesized by atomic layer depositionAlejandro Pereira, Juan L. Palma, Juliano C. Denardin, Juan EscrigNanotechnology, Vol. 27, pp. 345709
The Solar Spectrum in the Atacama DesertCordero R.R., Damiani A., Seckmeyer G., Jorquera J., Caballero M., Rowe P., Ferrer J., Mubarak R., Carrasco J., Rondanelli R., Matus M., Laroze DSci. Rep. , Vol. 22457 , pp.
The tearing path in a thin anisotropic sheet from two pulling points: Wulff's viewIbarra, A, Roman, B, Melo, FSOFT MATTER, Vol. 12, pp. 5979 , 5985
Ultrasound treatment on tailings to enhance copper flotation recoveryA. Videla, R. Morales, T. Saint-Jean; L. Gaete, Y. Vargas, J. D. MillerMinerals Engineering, Vol. 99, pp. 89 , 95
Ultrastrong coupling in two-resonator circuit QEDA. Baust, E. Hoffmann, M. Haeberlein, M. J. Schwarz, P. Eder, J. Goetz, F. Wulschner, E. Xie, L. Zhong, F. Quijandría, D. Zueco, J.-J. García Ripoll, L. García-Álvarez, G. Romero, E. Solano, K. G. Fedorov, E. P. Menzel, F. Deppe, A. Marx, and R. GrossPhysical Review B, Vol. 93, pp. 214501
Wettability of a surface subjected to high frequency mechanical vibrationsR. Galleguillos-Silva, Y. Vargas-Hernández, L. Gaete-GarretónUltrasonics Sonochemistry, Vol. , pp.
A new failure mechanism in thin film by collaborative fracture and delamination: Interacting duos of cracksJ. Marthelot, J. Bico, F. Melo, B. RomanJournal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 84 214-229 Nov, pp. 0022-5096 WOS:000364887400012
A soft-hard magnetic nanostructure based on multisegmented CoNi nanowiresA. Pereira, J. L. Palma, M. Vázquez, J. C. Denardin, J. EscrigPhysical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 5033 , 5038
A Study of the Dynamic Behaviour of Fine Particulate Matter in Santiago, ChileG. A. Salini , P. PerezAerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 15 1 154-165 Feb, pp. 1680-8584 WOS:000351351000013
Acoustic investigation of the aperture dynamics of an elastic membrane closing an overpressurized cylindrical cavityC. Sanches, V. Vidal, F. MeloEuropean Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 130 8 Aug, pp. 2190-5444 175 WOS:000360403000001
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Aerosol effect on the UV irradiance in Santiago de Chile in 2013R. R. Cordero, G. Seckmeyer, A. Damiani, J. Jorquera, J. Carrasco, R. Munoz, L. Da Silva, F. Labbe, R. Bernal, D. LarozeAtmospheric Research, Vol. vol 149C, pg 282, 160 81-81 Jun, pp. 0169-8095 WOS:000355709300009
Angular dependence of coercivity with temperature in Co-based nanowiresC. Bran, A. P. Espejo, E. M. Palmero, J. Escrig, M. VázquezJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 396, pp. 327 , 332
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Assessment of the Nature Interactions of beta-Amyloid Protein by a Nanoprobe MethodL. Caballero, J. Mena, A. Morales-Alvarez, M. J. Kogan, F. MeloLangmuir, Vol. 31 1 Jan, pp. 0743-7463 WOS:000348085900040 299 , 306
Cell shape impacts on the positioning of the mitotic spindle with respect to the substratumF. Lazaro-Dieguez, I. Ispolatov, A. MuschMolecular Biology of the Cell , Vol. 26 7 1286-1295 Apr, pp. 1059-1524 WOS:000351946100008
Changes in the UV Lambertian equivalent reflectivity in the Southern Ocean: Influence of sea ice and cloudinessCordero, Raúl R., Damiani, A., Carrasco, J., Watanabe, S., Kawamiya, M., Lagun, V.E.Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 169, pp. 75 , 92
Chaos in high-dimensional dissipative dynamical systemsI. Ispolatov, V. Madhok, S. Allende, M. DoebeliScientific Reports, Vol. 5 Jul , pp. 2045-2322 12506 WOS:000358867500001
Chern-Simons-Higgs theory with visible and hidden sectors and its N=2 SUSY extensionP. Arias, E. Ireson, F. A. Schaposnik, G. TallaritaPhysics Letters B, Vol. 749 368-373 Oct, pp. 0370-2693 WOS:000361562900050
Chiral asymmetry in propagation of soliton defects in crystalline backgroundsA. Arancibia, M. S. PlyushchayPhysical Review D, Vol. 92 10 nov, pp. 1550-7998 105009 WOS:000364161600005
Cosmic four-fermion neutrino secret interactions, enhancement, and total cross sectionD. Carcamo, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, A. K. Das, A. P. PolychronakosPhysical Review D, Vol. 91 6 Mar, pp. 1550-7998 065028 WOS:000351574000011
Cosmological kinetic mixingA. Das, J. Gamboa, M. PinoPhysical Review D, Vol. 91 12 Jun, pp. 1550-7998 123528 WOS:000356483200002
Creation of Quantum Error Correcting Codes in the Ultrastrong Coupling RegimeT. H. Kyaw, D. Herrera-Martí, E. Solano, G. Romero, L. C. KwekJournal: Phys. Rev. B 91, 064503, Vol. , pp.
Current-driven vortex domain wall motion in wire-tube nanostructuresA. P. Espejo, N. Vidal-Silva, J. A. López-López, D. Goerlitz, K. Nielsch, J. EscrigApplied Physics Letters, Vol. 106, pp. 132405
Curvature-induced changes in the magnetic energy of vortices and skyrmions in paraboloidal nanoparticlesV. L. Carvalho-Santos, R. G. Elias, J. M. Fonseca, D. AltbirJournal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117 17 May , pp. 0021-8979 17e518 WOS:000354984100524
Dipolar-driven formation of cobalt nanoparticle chains in polyethylene filmsE. Vargas, W. W. M. Melo, S. Allende, R. F. Neumann, J. C. Denardin, D. Altbir, M. BahianaMaterials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 162 229-233 Jul , pp. 0254-0584 WOS:000359958800031
Effect of Nearby Forest Fires on Ground Level Ozone Concentrations in Santiago, ChileM. A. Rubio, E. Lissi, E. Gramsch, R. D. GarreaudAtmosphere, Vol. 6 12 1926-1938 Dec, pp. 2073-4433 WOS:000367443100005
Emerging the dark sector from thermodynamics of cosmological systems with constant pressureA. Aviles, N. Cruz, J. Klapp, O. LuongoGeneral Relativity and Gravitation, Vol. 47 5 May, pp. 0001-7701 63 WOS:000354208200002
Entendimiento conceptual y dificultades de aprendizaje de Electricidad y Magnetismo identificadas por profesoresTecpan, S., Benegas, J., Zavala, G.Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ., Vol. 6 (S1), pp. 1204
Experiments on generation of surface waves by an underwater moving bottomT. Jamin, L. Gordillo, G. Ruiz-Chavarría, M. Berhanu, E. FalconProceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 471, pp.
Extracting hidden-photon dark matter from an LC-circuitP. Arias, A. Arza, B. Dobrich, J. Gamboa, F. MendezEuropean Physical Journal, Vol. C 75 7 Jul, pp. 1434-6044 310 WOS:000357481200001 1 , 5
Fermion-fermion scattering with superconducting circuitsL. García-Álvarez, J. Casanova, A. Mezzacapo, I. L. Egusquiza, L. Lamata, G. Romero, E. SolanoJournal: Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 070502, Vol. , pp.
Freestanding 3D Graphene–Nickel Encapsulated Nitrogen-Rich Aligned Bamboo Like Carbon Nanotubes for High-Performance Supercapacitors with Robust Cycle Stability1. R. Kumar, R. K. Singh, P. K. Dubey, D. P. Singh and R. M. Yadav and R.S.TiwariAdv. Mater. Int., , Vol. , pp.
Higgs model coupled to dark photonsD. Carcamo, J. Gamboa, M. PinoModern Physics Letters A, Vol. 30 7 Mar, pp. 0217-7323 1550030 WOS:000350349400003
High Resolution Viscosity Measurement by Thermal Noise DetectionF. A. Sandoval, M. Sepulveda, L. Bellon, F. MeloSensors, Vol. 15 11 27905-27916 Nov, pp. 1424-8220 WOS:000365686400023
Highly zone-dependent synthesis of different carbon nanostructures using plasma-enhanced arc discharge techniqueR. Kumar, R. K. Singh, P. K. Dubey, R. M. Yadav, D. P. Singh, R. S. Tiwari and O. N. SrivastavaJournal of Nanoparticle Research , Vol. 17, pp. 24
Hydrothermal synthesis of a uniformly dispersed hybrid graphene–TiO2 nanostructure for optical and enhanced electrochemical applicationsR. Kumar, R. K. Singh, P. K. Dubey, D. P. Singh, R. M. Yadav and R. S. TiwariRSC Advance, Vol. 5, pp. 7112 , 7120
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Magnetization reversal dependence on effective magnetic anisotropy in electroplated Co-Cu nanowire arraysJ. García, V. M. Prida, L. G. Vivas, B. Hernando, E. D. Barriga-Castro, R. Mendoza-Reséndez, C. Luna, J. Escrig, M. VázquezJournal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 3, pp. 4688 , 4697
Magnetostatic interactions between wire-tube nanostructuresD. Salazar-Aravena, J. L. Palma, J. EscrigJournal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117, pp. 193905
Meron-cluster simulation of the quantum antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model in a magnetic field in one- and two-dimensionsG.Palma, A. RiverosCondensed Matter Physics, Vol. 18, pp. N°2, 23002
Multi-stability in low-symmetry magnetic nanoparticlesR. A. Escobar, S. Castillo-Sepulveda, S. Allende, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana, J. D. E. CastroJournal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117 22 Jun, pp. 0021-8979 223901 WOS:000356176100011
N=2 SUSY Abelian Higgs model with hidden sector and BPS equationsP. Arias, E. Ireson, C. Nunez, F. SchaposnikJournal of High Energy Physics , Vol. 2 1-26 Feb, pp. 1029-8479 156 WOS:000350365900001
Nanomagnetite-Zeolite Composites in the Removal of Arsenate from Aqueous SystemsC. Pizarro, M. A. Rubio, M. Escudey, M. F. Albornoz, D. Munoz, J. Denardin, J. D. FabrisJournal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Vol. 26 9 1887-1896 Sep, pp. 0103-5053 WOS:000361556500018
Near-equatorial Pi2 and Pc3 waves observed by CHAMP and on SAMBA/MAGDAS stationsF. Cuturrufo, V. Pilipenko, B. Heilig, M. Stepanova, H. Luhr, P. Vega, A. YoshikawaAdvances in Space Research, Vol. 55 4 1180-1189 Feb, pp. 0273-1177 WOS:000349570900015
New magnetic nanobiocomposite based in galactomannan/glycerol and superparamagnetic nanoparticlesN. D. G. Souza, R. M. Freire, A. P. Cunha, M. A. S. da Silva, S. E. Mazzetto, A. S. B. Sombra, J. C. Denardin, N. Ricardo, P. B. A. FechineMaterials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 156 113-120 Apr, pp. 0254-0584 WOS:000352667300015
On the magnetic precursor of the Chilean earthquake of February 27, 2010N. V. Romanova, V. A. Pilipenko, M. V. StepanovaGeomagnetism and Aeronomy, Vol. 55 2 219-222 Mar, pp. 0016-7932 WOS:000352651700010
Parity-dependent State Engineering and Tomography in the ultrastrong coupling regimeS. Felicetti, T. Douce, G. Romero, P. Milman, E. SolanoScientific Reports, Vol. 5, pp. 11818
PDIviz: analysis and visualization of protein-DNA binding interfacesJ. Ribeiro, F. Melo, A. SchullerBioinformatics, Vol. 31 16 2751-2753 Aug, pp. 1367-4803 WOS:000359666600023
Presymmetry in the Standard Model with adulterated Dirac neutrinosE. A. MatuteModern Physics Letters A, Vol. 30 31 Oct, pp. 0217-7323 1550160 WOS:000361637600004
Problems with mapping the auroral oval and magnetospheric substormsE. E. Antonova, V. G. Vorobjev, I. P. Kirpichev, O. I. Yagodkina, M. V. StepanovaEarth Planets and Space, Vol. 67 oct, pp. WOS:000362631900001 1 , 7
PSICOLOGIA ANALÍTICA E FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES PARA O ENSINO DE CIÊNCIAS DE JOVENS E ADULTOSC. HernándezInteratividad e Transdisciplinaridad na educação cientifica e tecnológica de jovens e adultos, Vol. , pp. ISBN 978 85 397 0762 1 49 , 65
PT-symmetric invisible defects and confluent Darboux-Crum transformationsF. Correa, V. Jakubsky, M. PlyushchayPhysical Review A , Vol. 92 2 Aug, pp. 1050-2947 023839 WOS:000359857500010
Pulling on super paramagnetic beads with micro cantilevers: single molecule mechanical assay applicationR. Munoz, F. A. Sandoval, C. A. M. Wilson, F. MeloPhysical Biology, Vol. 12 4 Jul, pp. 1478-3967 046011 WOS:000361837200019
Quantum Rabi model with trapped ionsJ. S. Pedernales, I. Lizuain, S. Felicetti, G. Romero, L. Lamata, and E. SolanoScientific Reports, Vol. 5, pp. 15472
Reduction of the ringing effect in off-axis digital holography reconstruction from two reconstruction distances based on Talbot effectLeón-Rodríguez M., Cordero R.R., Rayas J.A., Martinez-Garcia A., Martínez-Gonzalez A., Labbe F., Téllez-Quiñones A., Flores-Muñoz V.Optical Engineering, Vol. 54 (10), pp.
Relativistic motion with superconducting qubitsS. Felicetti, C. Sabín, I. Fuentes, L. Lamata, G. Romero, and E. SolanoPhysical Review B, Vol. 92, pp. 64501
Role of turbulent transport in the evolution of the kappa distribution functions in the plasma sheetM. Stepanova, E. E. AntonovaJournal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, Vol. 120 5 3702-3714 May, pp. 2169-9380 WOS:000357869600031
Scalable quantum random-access memory with superconducting circuitsS. Felicetti, T. H. Kyaw, G. Romero, E. Solano, L. C. KwekJournal: Scientific Reports 5, 8621, Vol. , pp.
Self-assembled Hierarchical Formation of Conjugated 3D Cobalt oxide Nanobeads-CNTs-Graphene Nanostructure using Microwave for High Performance Supercapacitor ElectrodeRajesh Kumar, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Pawan Kumar Dubey, Dinesh Pratap Singh, Ram Manohar YadavACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. , pp.
Simulated annealing and entanglement of formation for (n circle times m)-dimensional mixed statesS. Allende, D. Altbir, J. C. RetamalPhysical Review A 92 2 Aug, Vol. , pp. 022348 WOS:000359938200007 1050 , 2947
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Spectral collapse via two-phonon interactions in trapped ionsS. Felicetti, J. S. Pedernales, I. L. Egusquiza, G. Romero, L. Lamata, D. Braak, and E. SolanoPhysical Review A, Vol. 92, pp. 33817
Stability of skyrmions on curved surfaces in the presence of a magnetic fieldV. L. Carvalho-Santos, R. G. Elias, D. Altbir, J. M. FonsecaJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 391 179-183 Oct, pp. 0304-8853 WOS:000355260900029
Synchronization of interacting quantum dipolesNEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol. 17, Artículo: 083063, pp.
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Tailoring the nucleation of domain walls along multi-segmented cylindrical nanoelementsR. F. Neumann, M. Bahiana, S. Allende, D. Altbir, D. Gorlitz, K. NielschNanotechnology, Vol. 26 21 May, pp. 0957-4484 215701 WOS:000354598800012
Testing a dissipative kinetic k-essence model EuropeanV. H. Cardenas, N. Cruz, R. VillanuevaPhysical Journal C, Vol. 75 4 Apr, pp. 1434-6044 148 WOS:000355669300007
The problem of the acceleration of electrons of the outer radiation belt and magnetospheric substormsE. E. Antonova, M. V. StepanovaEarth Planets and Space, Vol. 67 Sep, pp. 166 WOS:000362631900001 1880 , 5981
The use of power ultrasound in minningL. Gaete-GarretónWoodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Material, Vol. , pp. 1059 , 1094
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Topological magnetic solitons on a paraboloidal shellP.S.C. Vilas-Boas, R. G. Elias , D. Altbir, J. M. Fonseca, V. L. Carvalho-SantosPhysics Letters A, Vol. 379, pp. 47 , 53
Transition from isometric to stretching ridges in thin elastic filmsJ. F. Fuentealba, O. Albarrán, E. Hamm, E. CerdaPhysical Review E, Vol. 91, pp. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.91.032407 32407
Ultrafast relaxation rates and reversal time in disordered ferrimagnetsO. J. Suarez, P. Nieves, D. Laroze, D. Altbir, O. Chubykalo-FesenkoPhysical Review B, Vol. 92 14 Oct, pp. 1098-0121 144425 WOS:000363512400004
Ultrasonic spray drying vs high vacuum and microwaves technology for blueberriesN. Candia-Muñoz, M. Ramirez-Bunster, Y. Vargas-Hernández, L. Gaete-GarretónPhysics Procedia, Vol. 70, pp. 867 , 871
Unusual magnetic damping effect in a silver-cobalt ferrite hetero nano-systemS. K. Sharma, J. M. Vargas, N. M. Vargas, S. Castillo-Sepulveda, D. Altbir, K. R. Pirota, R. Zboril, G. Zoppellaro, M. KnobelRsc Advances, Vol. 5 22 17117-17122, pp. 2046-2069 WOS:000349556700068
Uso de Mapas de Thagard para analizar la articulación conceptual de los modelos atómicos en los libros de texto chilenos, bajo la mirada de la Historia y Naturaleza de la Ciencia,C. Hernández, A. GonzálezEscenarios, Vol. 16, pp. ISSN 2017-9097
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Analogies between nuclear physics and dark matterCarcamo, D, Riveros, A , Gamboa, JMODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 29, pp. WOS:000346706200007
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Controlling the magnetization reversal in planar nanostructures with wire-ring morphologyR. M. Corona, A. Aranda, J. L. Palma, C. E. Lopez, J. EscrigApplied Physics Letters, Vol. 105, pp. 082406
Cosmic neutrino background as a ferromagnetP. Arias, J. Gamboa, J. López-SarriónPhysics Letters B, Vol. 735, pp. 173 , 175
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Extracting Hidden-Photon Dark Matter From an LC-CircuitP. Arias, A. Arza, B. Döbrich, J. Gamboa, F. MendezDESY 14-214, Vol. , pp.
Ferromagnetic resonance investigation in permalloy magnetic antidot arrays on alumina nanoporous membranesR. L. Rodríguez-Suárez, J. L. Palma, E. O. Burgos, S. Michea, J. Escrig, J. C. Denardin, C. AliagaJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 350, pp. 88 , 93
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Influence of surface and subsidence thermal inversion on PM2.5 and black carbon concentrationE. Gramsch, D. Cáceres, P. Oyola, F. Reyes, Y. Vásquez, M.A. Rubio, G. SánchezAtmospheric Environment, Vol. 98, pp. 290 , 298
Infrared-dressed entanglement of cold open-shell polar molecules for universal matchgate quantum computingFelipe Herrera, Yudong Cao, Sabre Kais, K. Birgitta WhaleyNew J. Phys., Vol. 16, 075001 , pp.
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Measurement of the velocity field in parametrically excited solitary wavesL. Gordillo, N. MujicaJournal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 754, pp.
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Ordering temperature in nanostructures: A Heisenberg-Variational approachE. A. Velásquez, J. Mazo-Zuluaga, J. Mejía-López, D. AltbirEuropean Journal of Physics, Vol. 87, pp. 61
Particle in a self-dual dyon background: hidden free nature, and exotic superconformal symmetryM. Plyushchay, A. WipfPhysical Review D, Vol. 89, pp. 045017
Photon transfer in ultrastrongly coupled three-cavity arraysS. Felicetti, G. Romero, D. Rossini, R. Fazio, E. SolanoPhys. Rev. A 89, Vol. , pp. 013853
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Preparation and characterization of a single-walled aluminosilicate nanotube-iron oxide composite: Its applications to removal of aqueous arsenateN. Arancibia-Miranda, M. Escudey, C. Pizarro, J. C. Denardin, M. T. García-González, J. D. Fabris, L. CharletMaterials Research Bulletin, Vol. 51, pp. 145 , 152
Quantum nonlinear optics with polar J-aggregates in microcavitiesFelipe Herrera, B. Peropadre, L. A. Pachon, S. Saikin, Aspuru-GuzikJ. Phys. Chem. Lett., Vol. 5, pp. 3708 , 3715
Quantum nonlinear optics with polar J-aggregates in microcavitiesF. Herrera, B. Peropadre, L. Pachon, S. Saikin, A. Aspuru-GuzikJ. Phys. Chem. Lett, Vol. 5, pp. 3708
Reversal modes in small rings: Signature on the susceptibilityS. Castillo-Sepúlveda, N. M. Vargas, R. Escobar, S. Allende, S. Baltazar , D. AltbirJournal of Applied Letters, Vol. 115, pp. 223903
Soliton defects in one-gap periodic system and exotic supersymmetryA. Arancibia, F. Correa, V. Jakubský, J. M. Guilarte, M. S. PlyushchayPhysical Review D, Vol. 90, pp. 125041
Study of the formation and thermal stability of Mg2Co obtained by mechanical alloying and heat treatmentSerafini, D., Martínez, C., Ordoñez, S., Guzman, D., Rojas, P.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. Volumen: 590 , pp. 469 , 473
Surface rearrangement of nanoscale zerovalent iron: the role of pH and its implications in the kinetics of arsenate sorptionS. Baltazar, A. García, A. H. Romero, M. A. Rubio, N. Arancibia-Miranda, D. AltbirEnvironmental Technology, Vol. 35, pp. 2365
Tailoring the magnetic properties of cobalt antidot arrays by varying the pore size and degree of disorderS. Michea, J. L. Palma, R. Lavin, J. Briones, J. Escrig, J. C. Denardin, R. Rodriguez-SuarezJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 47, pp. 335001
The world’s highest levels of surface UV: a case studyR. Cordero, Seckmeyer G, Riechelmann S, Damiani A, Labbe F, D. LarozePhotochem. Photobiol. Sci., Vol. , pp.
Transmutations of supersymmetry through soliton scattering and self-consistent condensatesAdrián Arancibia and Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review D, Vol. 90, pp. 025008
UV Irradiance and Albedo at Union Glacier Camp (Antarctica): a case studyR. Cordero, Damiani A., Carrasco J, Ferrer J., Rayas J., Jorquera J., Tobar M., Labbe F., Laroze DPlos One, Vol. , pp.
Vortex solutions of an Abelian Higgs model with visible and hidden sectorsArias, Paola, Schaposnik, Fidel A.JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, Vol. 12, pp. Art.
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Z2 quantum memory implemented on circuit quantum electrodynamicsT. H. Kyaw, S.Felicetti, G. Romero, E. Solano, L. C. KwekProc. SPIE 9225, Quantum Communications and Quantum Imaging XII, 92250B, Vol. , pp.
“Nonlinear supersymmetry in the quantum Calogero model”M. Plyushchay, O. Lechtenfeld, F. CorreaJournal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 1404, pp. 151
Investigating polaron transitions with polar moleculesFelipe Herrera, Kirk W. Madison, Roman V. Krems, Mona BerciuPhys. Rev. Lett. , Vol. 110, 223002, pp.
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Capillary Deformations of Bendable FilmsSchroll, R. D., Adda-Bedia, M., Cerda, E.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 111, N°1, Artículo: 014301, pp.
Chemical Characterization of Submicron Aerosol Particles in Santiago de ChileCarbone, S, Saarikoski, Sanna, Frey, Anna, Reyes, Felipe, Reyes, Paula, Castillo, Marcela, Gramsch, ErnestoAEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH, Vol. 13 Número: 2 Páginas: 462-473, pp. 462 , 473
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Equivalent ultrasonic impedance in multilayer media. A parameter estimation problemM. Messineo, G. Frontini, G. Elicalde, L. Gaete-GarretónINVERSE PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, Vol. 21, pp. 1268 , 1287
Forbidden Directions for the Fracture of Thin Anisotropic Sheets: an Analogy with the Wulff PlotA. Takei, B. Roman, J. Bico, E. Hamm, F. MeloPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 110, pp. 144301
Interacting warm dark matterN. Cruz, G. Palma, D. Zambrano, A. AvelinoJournal Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Vol. , pp.
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Spectral UV radiance measured at a coastal site: a case studyR. Cordero, Damiani A, Dasilva L, Laroze, D, Labbe FPhotochem. Photobiol. Sci., Vol. , pp.
Superparamagnetic Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) Nanoparticles For Biomedical ApplicationsC. Vilos, M. Gutiérrez, R. Escobar, F. Morales, J. Denardin, L. Velásquez, D. AltbirJournal of Biotechnology , Vol. 16, pp. 8
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“Fermion in a multi-kink-antikink soliton background, and exotic supersymmetry”M. Plyushchay, J. M. Guilarte, A. ArancibiaPhysical Review D, Vol. 88, pp. 085034
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"Enhanced energetic electron fluxes at the region of the auroral oval during quiet geomagnetic conditions November 2009"M. O. Riazantseva, I. N. Myagkova, M. V. Karavaev, E. E. Antonova, I. L. Ovchinnikov, B. V. Marjin, M. A. Saveliev, V. M. Feigin, M. V. StepanovaAdvances in Space Research, Vol. 50, pp. 623 , 631
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"Supersymmetry of the planar Dirac - Deser-Jackiw-Templeton system, and of its non-relativistic limit"P. A. Horvathy, M. S. Plyushchay, M. ValenzuelaJournal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 51, pp. 92108
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"The origin of the hidden supersymmetry"V. Jakubsy, L. -M. Nieto, M. S. PLyushchayPhysics Letters B, Vol. 692, pp. 51 , 56
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"Ultrasound propagation in wet and airless non-consolidated granular materials"S. Griffiths, A. Rescaglio, F. MeloUltrasonics, Vol. 50, pp. 139 , 144
Adaptive VN/Ag nanocomposite coatings with lubricious behavior from 25 to 1000CS.M. Aouadi, D.P. Singh, D.S. Stone, K. Polychronopoulou, F. Nahif, C. Rebholz, C. Muratore, A.A. VoevodinActa Materialia, Vol. 58, pp. 5326 , 5331
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External field control of collective spin excitations in an optical lattice of 2Σ moleculesJ Pérez-Ríos, F Herrera, R V KremsNew Journal of Physics, Vol. 12, pp.
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Synthesis and Growth of ZnO NanowiresD. P. SinghScience of Advanced Materials, Vol. 2, pp. 245 , 272
Synthesis of TiO2 and CuO Nanotubes and NanowiresD. P. Singh and N. AliScience of Advanced Materials, Vol. 2, pp. 295 , 335
The Weight of a Falling Chain, RevisitedE. Hamm, J. C. GeminardAmerican Journal of Physics, Vol. 78, pp. 828 , 833
Tunable disorder in a crystal of cold polar moleculesFelipe Herrera, Marina Litinskaya, Roman V. KremsPhys. Rev. A, Vol. 82, 033428 , pp.
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"Aharonov–Bohm effect on AdS2 and nonlinear supersymmetry of reflectionless Pöschl–Teller system"F. Correa, V. Jakubskýa, M. PlyushchayAnnals of Physics, Vol. 324, pp. 1078 , 1094
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"Asymmetric hysteresis loop in magnetostatic-biased multilayer nanowires"S. Allende, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, E. Salcedo, M. BahianaNanotechnology, Vol. 20, pp. 445707
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"Calculated isolated extracted and movement zones compared to scaled models for block caving"F. Vivanco, F. Melo, C. FuentesInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 46, pp. 731 , 737
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"Controlled introduction of diameter modulations in arrayed magnetic iron oxide nanotubes"Kristina Pitzschel, Josep M. Montero Moreno, Juan Escrig, Ole Albrecht, Kornelius Nielsch, Julien BachmannACS Nano, Vol. 3, pp. 3463 , 3468
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"Effects of heavy bosonic excitations on QED vacuum"P. Arias, J. Gamboa, H. Falomir, F. MendezModern Physics Letters A, Vol. 24, pp. 1289
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"Holographic kinetic k-essence cosmologies"N. Cruz, Pedro F. González-Díaz, A. Rozas-Fernández, G. SánchezAIP Conf. Proceedings, Vol. 1122, pp. 236 , 239
"How do magnetic microwires interact magnetostatically?"A. Pereira, J. C. Denardin, and J. EscrigJournal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 83903
"Indications of the formation of an oversaturated solid solution during hydrogenation of Mg–Ni based nanocomposite produced by mechanical alloying"D. Guzmán, S. Ordoñez, J. Fernández, C. Sánchez, D. Serafini, P. Rojas, C. AguilarInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 34, pp. 5429 5429 , 5438
"Magnetic cylindrical nanowires with single modulated diameter"S. Allende, D. Altbir, K. NielschPhysical Review B, Vol. 80, pp. 174402
"Magnetic phase diagrams of barcode-type nanostructures"B. Leighton, O. J. Suarez, P. Landeros, J. EscrigNanotechnology, Vol. 20, pp. 385703
"Magnetic-dipole spin effects in noncommutative quantum mechanics"H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, J. López, F. Mendez, P. PisaniPhysics Letters B, Vol. 680, pp. 384 , 386
"Magnetostatic bias in multilayer microwires: Theory and experiments"J. Escrig, S. Allende, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana, J. Torrejón, G. Badini, M. VázquezJournal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 23907
"Magnetostatic fields in tubular nanostructures"P. Landeros, P. R. Guzmán, R. Soto-Garrido, J. EscrigJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 42, pp. 225002
"Measurement of the vortex core in sub-100 nm Fe dots using polarized neutron scattering"I. Roshchin, Chang-Peng Li, H. Suhl, X. Battle, S. Roy, S. Sinha, S. Park, R. Pynn, M. Fitzsimmons, J. M. López, D. Altbir, A. Romero, I. SchullerEPL, Vol. 86, pp. 67008
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"Microwave photon detector in circuit QED"G. Romero, J. J. García-Ripoll, E. SolanoPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 102, pp. 173602
"Non-commutative Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics"A. Das, H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, F. MendezPhysics Letters B, Vol. 670, pp. 407 , 415
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"Optical method using rotating Glan-Thompson polarizers to independently vary the power of the excitation and repumping lasers in laser cooling experiments"I. Olivares, J. Cuadra, F. Aguilar, J. Gomez, F. DuarteJournal of Modern Optics, Vol. 56, pp. 1780 , 1784
"Oxidation capacity of the city air of Santiago, Chile"Y. Elshorbany, R. Kurtenbach, P. Wiesen, E. Lissi, M. Rubio, G. Villena, E. Gramsch, A. Rickardf, M. Pilling, J. KieffmannAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 9, pp. 2257 , 2273
"Predominance of soot-mode ultrafine particles in Santiago de Chile: Possible sources"E. Gramsch, L. Gidhagen, P. Wahlin, F. MorenoAtmospheric Environment, Vol. 43, pp. 2266 , 2267
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"Single-Crystal Growth of Nickel Nanowires: Influence of Deposition Conditions on Structural and Magnetic Properties"A. Cortés, G. Riveros, J. Palma, J. Denardin, R. Marotti, E. Dalchiele, H. GómezJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 9, pp. 1992 , 2000
"Size effects in ordered arrays of magnetic nanotubes: Pick your reversal mode"J. Bachmann, J. Escrig, K. Pitzschel, J.M. Montero, J. Jing, D. Gorlitz, D. Altbir, K. NielschJournal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 07B521
"Spatial variation of eddy-diffusion coefficients in the turbulent plasma sheet during substorms"M. Stepanova, E. Antonova, D. Paredes-Davis, I. Ovchinnikov, Y. YermolaevAnnales Geophysicae, Vol. 27, pp. 1407 , 1411
"Study of a microwave ferrite resonator antenna, based on a ferrimagnetic composite (Gd3Fe5O12)GdIG(X)-(Y3Fe5O12)YIG(1-X)"P. Fechine, H. Rocha, R. Moretzsohn, J. Denardin, R. Lavin, A. SombraIET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 3, pp. 1191 , 1198
"Super-extended noncommutative Landau problem and conformal symmetry"P. Alvarez, J. Cortés, P. Horváthy, M. PlyushchayJournal of High Energy Physics, Vol. 0903, pp. 34
"The Bogoliubov–de Gennes system, the AKNS hierarchy, and nonlinear quantum mechanical supersymmetry"F. Correa, G. V. Dunne, M. S. PlyushchayAnnals of Physics, Vol. 324, pp. 2522 , 2547
"Topology of the high latitude magnetosphere during large magnetic storms and the main mechanisms of relativistic electron acceleration"E. Antonova, I. Kirpichev, M. Stepanova, K. Orlova, I. OvchinnikovAdvances in Space Research, Vol. 43, pp. 628 , 633
"U(2) Kinetic Mixing Terms and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking"J. López, P. Arias, J. GamboaModern Physics Letters A, Vol. 24, pp. 2539 , 2550
"Uncertainty analysis of whole-field phase-differences retrieved from ESPI fringe patterns by using the Fourier transform method (FTM)"M. Moralesa, A. Martíneza, J. Rayasa, R. Cordero, F. LabbeOptics Communications, Vol. 282, pp. 686 , 691
"Wave localization in strongly nonlinear Hertzian chains with mass defect"F. Melo, S.Job, F.Santibañez, F. TapiaPhysical Review E, Vol. 80, pp. 25602
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La formación inicial docente para profesores de Física de enseñanza media: una reflexión sobre una nueva propuesta de formaciónB. Ossandón, S. Contreras, V. Peters, M. ReyesLatin-American Journal of Physics Education, Vol. 1(3), pp. 102 , 106
Lactose nano-probe optimized using response surface methodologyA. Dwevedi, A. K. Singh, D. P. Singh, O. N. Srivastava, A. M. KayasthaBiosensors & bioelectronics, Vol. 25, pp. 784 , 790
Predominance of soot-mode ultrafine particles in Santiago de Chile: Possible sourcesE. Gramsch, L. Gidhagen, P. Wahlin, P. Oyola, F. MorenoAtmospheric Environment, Vol. 43, pp. 2260 , 2267
Synthesis and Characterization of Different Metal Oxide Nanostructures by Simple Electrolysis Based Oxidation of MetalsD. P. Singh and O. N. SrivastavaJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 9, pp. 5515 , 5522
Synthesis and Optical Properties of Different CuO (Ellipsoid, Ribbon and Sheet Like) NanostructuresD. P. Singh and O. N. SrivastavaJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 9, pp. 5345 , 5350
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"Acoustic emission associated with the bursting of a gas bubble at the free surface of a non-Newtonian fluid"T. Divoux, V. Vidal, F. Melo, J. C. GeminardPhysical Review E, Vol. 77, pp. 56310
"Angular dependence of the transverse and vortex modes in magnetic nanotubes"S. Allende, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, E. Salcedo, M. BahianaEuropean Physical Journal B, Vol. 66, pp. 37 , 40
"Anisotropic cosmological constant and the CMB quadrupole anomaly"D. C. RodriguesPhysical Review D, Vol. 77, pp. 23534
"Anisotropic harmonic oscillator, non-commutative Landau problem and exotic Newton-Hooke symmetry"P. Alvarez, J. Gomis, K. Kamimura, M. S. PlyushchayPhysics Letters B, Vol. 659, pp. 906 , 912
"Application of sonic and ultrasonic waves as means of control of underground termites Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) in radiata pine wood"J. T. Karsulovic, A. Bozo, J. Araya, Y. Vargas, V. Gaete, B. TejerMaderas, Ciencia y Tecnología, Vol. 10, pp. 99 , 111
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"Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli-like string on codimension-2 braneworlds in the thin brane limit"B. Cuadros-Melgar, E. Papantonopoulos, M. Tsoukalas, V. ZamariasPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 100, pp. 221601
"Bosonized supersymmetry from the Majorana-Dirac-Staunton theory and massive higher-spin fields"P. A. Horvathy, A. Peter, M. S. Plyushchay, M. ValenzuelaPhysical Review D, Vol. 77, pp. 25017
"Cluster-algorithm renormalization-group study of universal fluctuations in the two-dimensional Ising model"G. Palma, D. ZambranoPhysical Review E, Vol. 78, pp. 61134
"Crossover between two different magnetization reversal modes in arrays of iron oxide nanotubes"J. Escrig, J. Bachmann, J. Jing, M. Daub, D. Altbir, K. NielschPhysical Review B, Vol. 77, pp. 214421
"Current-induced torques in magnetic metals: Beyond spin-transfer"P. M. Haney, R. A. Duine, A. S. Nunez, A. H. MacDonaldJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 320, pp. 1300 , 1311
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"Evolution of anisotropies in Eddington-Born-Infeld cosmology"D. C. RodriguesPhysical Review D, Vol. 78, pp. 63013
"Finite-gap systems, tri-supersymmetry and self-isospectrality"F. Correa, V. Jakubsky, M. S. PlyushchayJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 48, pp. 485303
"Force focusing in confined fibres and sheets"V. Romero, E. Cerda, T. A. Witten, T. LiangJournal of Physics D-Applied Physics, Vol. 41, pp. 132003
"Geometry dependence of coercivity in Ni nanowire arrays"J. Escrig, R. Lavin, J. L. Palma, J. C. Denardin, D. Altbir, A. Cortes, H. GomezNanotechnology, Vol. 19, pp. 75713
"Hidden nonlinear su(2|2) superunitary symmetry of N=2 superextended 1D Dirac delta potential problem"F. Correa , L. M. Nieto, M. S. PlyushchayPhysics Letters B, Vol. 659, pp. 746 , 753
"Holographic dark energy interacting with dark matter in a closed Universe"N. Cruz, S. Lepe, F. Peña, J. SaavedraPhysics Letters B, Vol. 669, pp. 271 , 274
"Impact of the use of segregated streets in the elemental carbon concentrations in Santiago de Chile"E. Gramsch, P. Oyola, D. Von Baer, I. OrmenoAtmosfera, Vol. 21, pp. 101 , 120
"Instability of the time dependent Horava-Witten model"B. Cuadros-Melgar, C. E. PellicerPhysical Review D, Vol. 77, pp. 104030
"Ionospheric evidence of the May 1960 earthquake over Concepcion?"A. J. Foppiano, E. M. Ovalle, K. Bataille, M. StepanovaGeofísica Internacional, Vol. 47, pp. 179 , 183
"Kinematic model for quasi static granular displacements in block caving: Dilatancy effects on drawbody shapes"F. Melo, F. Vivanco, C. Fuentes, V. ApablazaInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 45, pp. 248 , 259
"Magnetic Characterization of Nanowire Arrays Using First Order Reversal Curves"R. Lavin, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, A. Cortes, H. GomezIEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 44, pp. 2808 , 2811
"Magnetostatic interactions between magnetic nanotubes"J. Escrig, S. Allende, D. Altbir, M. BahianaApplied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, pp. 23101
"Multiple coiling of an elastic sheet in a tube"V. Romero, T. A. Witten, E. CerdaProc. Royal Soc. A, Vol. 464, pp. 2847 , 2866
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"Nonlinear waves in dry and wet Hertzian granular chains"S. Job, F. Santibanez, F. Tapia, F. MeloUltrasonics, Vol. 48, pp. 506 , 514
"Perfluorooctyl Bromide Polymeric Capsules as Dual Contrast Agents for Ultrasonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging"E. Pisani, N. Tsapis, B. Galaz, M. Santin, R. Berti, N. Taulier, E. Kurtisovski,, O. Lucidarme, M. Ourevitch, B. T. Doan, J. C. Beloeil, B. Gillet, W. Urbach, S. Lori Bridal, E. FattalAdvanced Functional Materials, Vol. 18, pp. 2963 , 2971
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"Propagation of transverse domain walls in homogeneous magnetic nanowires"S. Allende, D. Altbir, E. Salcedo, M. Bahiana, J. P. SinneckerJournal of Applied Physics, Vol. 104, pp. 13907
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"Radiative processes as a condensation phenomenon and the physical meaning of deformed canonical structures"J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, L. S. Grigorio, M. S. Guimaraes, C. WotzasekPhysics Letters B, Vol. 688, pp. 447 , 452
"Self-isospectrality, special supersymmetry, and their effect on the band structure"F. Correa, V. Jakubsky, L. M. Nieto, M. S. Plyushchay MSPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 101, pp. 30403
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"Strain maps obtained by phase-shifting interferometry: An uncertainty analysis"R. Cordero, J. Molimard, F. Labbe, A. MartinezOptics Communications, Vol. 281, pp. 2195 , 2206
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"Study of the turbulence in the central plasma sheet during August 24-28 geomagnetic storm using the CLUSTER satellite data"K. A. Riveros, M. Stepanova, J. M. Bosqued, E. E. AntonovaGeofísica Internacional, Vol. 47, pp. 265 , 271
"Sudden birth versus sudden death of entanglement in multipartite systems"C. E. Lopez, G. Romero, F. Lastra, E. Solano, J. C. RetamalPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 101, pp. 80503
"Superparamagnetism and other magnetic features in granular materials: A review on ideal and real systems"M. Knobel, W. C. Nunes, L. M. Socolovsky, E. De Biasi, J. M. Vargas, J. C. DenardinJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 8, pp. 2836 , 2857
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Cosine error influence on ground-based spectral UV irradiance measurementsR. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Labbe F.Metrologia, Vol. , pp.
Magnetic field-induced interference of scattering states in ultracold collisionsFelipe HerreraPHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 78, 054702, pp.
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Tearing as a Test for Mechanical Characterization of Thin Adhesive FilmsE. Hamm, P. Reis, M. LeBlanc, B. Roman, E. CerdaNature Materials, Vol. 7, pp. 386 , 390
Uncertainty Evaluation of Spectral UV Irradiance MeasurementsR. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Pissulla D. DaSilva L. Labbe F.Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty of experimental integrals: application to the UV index calculationR. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Pissulla D. Labbe F.Metrologia, Vol. , pp.
“Ultrasound based measurements of sugar and ethanol concentrations in hydro_alcoholic solutions.”M. Van Sint Jan, M. Guarini, A. Guesalaga, J. R. Pérez-Correa, Y. VargasFood Control , Vol. 19, pp. 31 , 35
"(2+1)D exotic Newton-Hooke symmetry, duality and projective phase"P. D. Alvarez, J. Gomis, K. Kamimura, M. S. PlyushchayAnnals of Physics, Vol. 322, pp. 1556 , 1586
"A detailed analysis of dipolar interactions in arrays of bi-stable magnetic nanowires"D. Laroze, J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, M. Vazquez, P. VargasNanotechnology, Vol. 18, pp. 415708
"Abrupt changes in the dynamics of quantum disentanglement"F. Lastra, G. Romero, C. E. Lopez, M. F. Santos, J. C. RetamalPhysical Review A, Vol. 75, pp. 62324
"Angular dependence of coercivity in magnetic nanotubes"J. Escrig, M. Daub, P. Landeros, K. Nielsch, D. AltbirNanotechnology, Vol. 18, pp. 445706
"Bosonized supersymmetry of anyons and supersymmetric exotic particle on the non-commutative plane"P. A. Horvathy, M. S. Plyushchay, M. ValenzuelaNuclear Physics B, Vol. 768, pp. 247 , 262
"Capillary wrinkling of floating thin polymer films"J. Huang, M. Juszkiewicz, W. H. de Jeu, E. Cerda, T. Emrick, N. Menon, T. P. RussellScience, Vol. 317, pp. 650 , 653
"Cellular automaton model for evacuation process with obstacles"A. Varas, M. D. Cornejo, D. Mainemer, B. Toledo, J. Rogan, V. Munoz, J. A. ValdiviaPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 382, pp. 631 , 642
"Chiral anomaly beyond Lorentz invariance"P. Arias, H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, F. A. SchaposnikPhysical Review D, Vol. 76, pp. 25019
"Classical noise induced decoherence effects on the entanglement in a two-qubit system"F. Lastra, G. Romero, C. E. Lopez, J. C. RetamalInternational Journal of Quantum Information, Vol. 521, pp. 457 , 468
"CPT/Lorentz invariance violation and neutrino oscillation"P. Arias, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, A. Das, J. Lopez-SarrionPhysics Letters B, Vol. 650, pp. 401 , 406
"Direct measurement of concurrence for atomic two-qubit pure states"G. Romero, C. E. Lopez, F. Lastra, E. Solano, J. C. RetamalPhysical Review A, Vol. 75, pp. 32303
"Dissipative generalized Chaplygin gas as phantom dark energy"N. Cruz, S. Lepe, F. PenaPhysics Letters B, Vol. 646, pp. 177 , 182
"Effect of anisotropy in magnetic nanotubes"J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, E. E. VogelJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 310, pp. 2448 , 2450
"Effective quantum dynamics of interacting systems with inhomogeneous coupling"C. E. Lopez, H. Christ, J. C. Retamal, E. SolanoPhysical Review A, Vol. 75, pp. 33818
"Electroweak quark lepton symmetry and weak topolo gical-charge confinement in the standard model with Dirac neutrinos"E. A. MatuteInternational Journal of Modern Physics A, Vol. 22, pp. 3639 , 3691
"Entanglement properties in the inhomogeneous Tavis-Cummings model"C. E. Lopez, F. Lastra, G. Romero, J. C. RetamalPhysical Review A, Vol. 75, pp. 22107
"Evaluation of a junction termination extension avalanche photodiode for X-ray detection"E. Gramsch, O. P. Pchelyakov, I. B. Chistokhin, E. G. TishkovskyIEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 54, pp. 2638 , 2643
"Experimental evidence of accelerated energy transfer in turbulence"R. Labbé, C. Baudet, G. BustamantePhysical Review E, Vol. 75, pp. 16308
"Ferromagnetic resonance studies in Co/SiO2 multilayers"M. J. M. Pires, J. C. Denardin, I. Dumitru, L. SpinuApplied Surface Science, Vol. 254, pp. 351 , 354
"Hidden nonlinear supersymmetry of finite-gap Lame equation"F. Correa, L. M. Nieto, M. S. PlyushchayPhysics Letters B, Vol. 644, pp. 94 , 98
"Hidden supersymmetry in quantum bosonic systems"F. Correa, M. S. PlyushchayAnnals of Physics, Vol. 322, pp. 9494 , 2500
"Image fusion in neuroradiology: Three clinical examples including MRI of Parkinson disease"G. M. Rojas, U. Raff, J. C. Quintana, I. Huete, M. HutchinsonComputerized medical imaging and graphics, Vol. 31, pp. 17 , 27
"Infrared reflectivity of Co-x(SiO2)(1-x)(x similar to 0.85, 0.55, 0.38) granular films on SiO2 glass substrates"N. E. Massa, J. C. Denardin, M. Knobel, F. P. de la Cruz, X. X. ZhangSolid State Communications, Vol. 141, pp. 551 , 554
"Magnetic properties of bi-phase micro- and nanotubes"J. Escrig, D. Altbir, K. NielschNanotechnology, Vol. 18, pp. 225704
"Magnetocaloric effect in FeCr soft magnetic nanocrystalline alloys"C. Gomez-Polo, M. Socolovsky, J. C. Denardin, M. Knobel, J. L. Perez-Landazabal, V. RecarteJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 316 E, pp. 876 , 878
"Mechanical characterization of elastic membranes: Cell mechanics applications"R. Bernal, C. Tassius, F. Melo, J. C. GeminardApplied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, pp. 63903
"Mechanical properties of axon"R. Bernal, P. A. Pullarkat, F. MeloPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 99, pp. 18301
"Mixture segregation by an inertial cavitation bubble"R. Grossier, O. Louisnard, Y. VargasUltrasonics Sonochemistry, Vol. 14, pp. 431 , 437
"Modeling traffic on crossroads"L. A. Wastavino, B. A. Toledo, J. Rogan, R. Zarama, V. Munoz, J. A. ValdiviaPhysica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 381, pp. 411 , 419
"On drawbody shapes: from bergmark-roos to kinematic models"F. Melo, F. Vivanco, C. Fuentes, V. ApablazaInternational journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences, Vol. 44, pp. 77 , 86
"On false negatives in MRI studies of Parkinson disease"M. Hutchinson, U. RaffMovement disorders, Vol. 22, pp. 1521 , 1522
"Peculiarities of the hidden nonlinear supersymmetry of the Poschl-Teller system in the light of the Lame equation"F. Correa, M. PlyushchayJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 407, pp. 14403 , 14412
"Phase diagrams of magnetic nanotubes"J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, P. VargasJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 308, pp. 233 , 237
"Remanence of Ni nanowire arrays: Influence of size and labyrinth magnetic structure"J. Escrig, D. Altbir, M. Jaafar, D. Navas, A. Asenjo, M. VazquezPhysical Review B, Vol. 75, pp. 184429
"Reversal modes in magnetic nanotubes"P. Landeros, S. Allende, J. Escrig, E. Salcedo, D. Altbir, E. E. VogelApplied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, pp. 102501
"Role of interactions in layered nanorings"J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana, J. D. e CastroInternational Journal of Nanotechnology, Vol. 4, pp. 531 , 540
"Seasonal dependence of peroxyacetylnitrate (PAN) concentrations in downtown Santiago, Chile"M. A. Rubio, E. Gramsch, E. Lissi, G. VillenaAtmosfera, Vol. 20, pp. 319 , 328
"Segregation of a liquid mixture by a radially oscillating Hubble"O. Louisnard, F. J. Gomez, R. GrossierJournal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 577, pp. 385 , 415
"Selected papers from the Southern Workshop on Granular Materials 2006 in Vina del Mar, Chile - Introductory words"P. Cordero, F. MeloGranular Matter, Vol. 10, pp. 1 , 2
"Selective control of the symmetric Dicke subspace in trapped ions"C. E. Lopez, J. C. Retamal, E. SolanoPhysical Review A, Vol. 76, pp. 33413
"Solitary wave trains in granular chains: experiments, theory and simulations"S. Job, F. Melo, A. Sokolow, S. SenGranular Matter, Vol. 10, pp. 13 , 20
"Trends in the elemental composition of fine particulate matter in Santiago, Chile, from 1998 to 2003"Sax Sonja N., Koutrakis Petros, Rudolph Pablo A. Ruiz, Cereceda-Balic F, Grarnsch E, Oyola PedroJOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, Vol. 0, pp. 0 , 0
"Ultrasonic waves as a physical barrier for damage of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar (Isoptera : Rhinotermitidae) in wood of Pinus radiata (D. Don)"J. T. Karsulovic, A. Bozo-Gonzalez, J. E. Araya, Y. Vargas, B. TejerForest products journal, Vol. 57, pp. 114 , 117
"Universal and nonuniversal features in a model of city traffic"B. A. Toledo, E. Cerda, J. Rogan, V. Munoz, C. Tenreiro, R. Zarama, J. A. ValdiviaPhysical Review E, Vol. 75, pp. 26108
"Vortex core size in interacting cylindrical nanodot arrays"D. Altbir, J. Escrig, P. Landeros, F. S. Amaral, M. BahianaNanotechnology, Vol. 18, pp. 485707
Detecting the beginning of the shear band formation in uniaxial tensile tests by out-of-plane displacement measurementsF. Labbe, Cordero RROpt Laser Eng , Vol. , pp.
Developable Modes in Vibrated Thin PlatesA. Boudaoud, E. Hamm, F. MeloPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 99, pp. 254301
El Arte de Educar en Tiempos Complejos. Enrique Cueto, promover el vivir humanoM. M. Aguilera, C. L. Belloni, M. S. SaavedraEditorial Copygraph, 143 págs. Santiago de Chile, Vol. , pp. ISBN: 978-956-7119-29-5 1 , 143
Evaluating the uncertainties of data rendered by computational modelsR. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Labbe FMetrologia, Vol. , pp.
Growth of Different Nanostructures of Cu2O (Nanothreads, Nanowires, and Nanocubes) by Simple Electrolysis Based Oxidation of CopperD. P. Singh, N. R. Neti, A. S. K. Sinha, O. N. SrivastavaJ. Phys. Chem. C, Vol. 111, pp. 1638 , 1645
Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles by Electrolysis of DNA Utilizing Copper as Sacrificial AnodeD. P. Singh and O. N. SrivastavaJournal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Vol. 7, pp. 2105 , 2109
The Mechanics of Tip Growth Morphogenesis: What we have learned from rubber balloonsR. Bernal, E. R. Rojas, J. DumaisJournal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 2(6), pp. 1157 , 1168
Uncertainty Analysis of Temporal Phase-Stepping Algorithms for InterferometryR. Cordero, Molimard J. Martinez A. Labbe FOptics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty evaluation of the spectral UV irradiance evaluated by using the UVSPEC Radiative Transfer ModelR. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Pissulla D. DaSilva L. Labbe FOptics Communications , Vol. , pp.
"A procedure for the efficient selection of piezoelectric ceramics constituting high-power ultrasonic transducers"Chacon D , Rodriguez-Corral G, Gaete-Garreton L, de Sarabia ERF, Gallego-Juarez JAULTRASONICS , Vol. 44, pp. 517 , 521
"Acoustic signal associated with the bursting of a soap film which initially closes an overpressurized cavity - Experiment and theory"Vidal V, Geminard JC, Divoux T, Melo FEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B, Vol. 54, pp. 321 , 339
"An integrated neural network model for PM10 forecasting"Perez P, Reyes JATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 40, pp. 2845 , 2851
"Atom-field entanglement at the collapse region"Retamal JC, Delgado A, Saavedra CPHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 355 (1): JUN 19, pp. 7 , 11
"Box model for hysteresis loops of arrays of Ni nanowires"Laroze D, Vargas P, Altbir D, Vazquez MBRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol. 36, pp. 908 , 909
"Deformed special relativity as an effective theory of measurements on quantum gravitational backgrounds"Aloisio R, Galante A, Grillo A, Liberati S, Luzio E, Mendez FPHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 73, pp. 045020
"Delayed scattering of solitary waves from interfaces in a granular container"Vergara L.PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 73, pp. 066623
"Effects of magnetic interparticle coupling in the blocking temperature of granular Co multilayers"Denardin JC, Nunes WC, Knobel MPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER , Vol. 384, pp. 290 , 293
"Electric Chern-Simons term, enlarged exotic Galilei symmetry and noncommutative plane"del Olmo MA, Plyushchay MSANNALS OF PHYSICS , Vol. 321, pp. 2830 , 2848
"Examination of pollution trends in Santiago de Chile with cluster analysis of PM10 and Ozone data"Gramsch E, Cereceda-Balic F, Oyola P, von Baer DATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 40, pp. 5464 , 5475
"Experimental evidence of shock mitigation in a Hertzian tapered chain"Melo F, Job S, Santibanez F, Tapia FPHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 73, pp. 041305
"Fast Monte Carlo method for magnetic nanoparticles"Vargas P, Altbir D, Castro JDEPHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 73, pp. 092417
"Field squeeze operators in optical cavities with atomic ensembles"Guzman R, Retamal JC, Solano E, Zagury NPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 96, pp. 010502
"Finding mesoscopic communities in sparse networks"Ispolatov I, Mazo I , Yuryev AJOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT, Vol. , pp. P09014
"Hysteresis provides self-organization in a plasma model"Valdivia JA, Rogan J, Munoz V, Toledo BSPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, Vol. 122 , pp. 313 , 320
"Intermittency in the auroral absorption fluctuations as manifestation of magnetospheric turbulence"Stepanova MV, Antonova EE, Foppiano AJ, Rosenberg TJBOUNDARY LAYERS, WAVES AND NON-LINEAR DYNAMICAL PROCESSES ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, Vol. 37, pp. 559 , 565
"Inversion recovery MRI in idiopathic Parkinson disease is a very sensitive tool to assess neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra: Preliminary investigation"Raff U, Hutchinson M, Rojas GM, Huete IACADEMIC RADIOLOGY, Vol. 13, pp. 721 , 727
"Magnetic properties of layered nanorings"Escrig J, Landeros P, Altbir D, Bahiana M, Castro JDEAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol. 89, pp. 132501
"Matter-antimatter asymmetry generated at low temperatures"Carmona JM, Cortes JL, Das A, Gamboa J, Mendez FMODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 21, pp. 883 , 892
"Measurement of the ion feature of collective Thomson scattering in collisionless plasmas"Olivares IE, Kunze HJJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 99, pp. 123305
"Medium-scale splitting of outflowing field-aligned currents and kappa distribution of magnetospheric ions"Ermakova NO, Antonova EE, Stepanova MVGEOMAGNETISM AND AERONOMY, Vol. 46, pp. 317 , 321
"Modified special relativity on a fluctuating spacetime"Aloisio R, Galante A, Grillo AF, Liberati S, Luzio E, Mendez FPHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 74, pp. 085017
"Photon-number-limiting device for nonclassical light generation"de Matos RL, Retamal JC, Zagury NPHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 73, pp. 013808
"Reversal modes in arrays of interacting magnetic Ni nanowires: Monte Carlo simulations and scaling technique"Bahiana M, Amaral FS, Allende S, Altbir DPHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 74, pp. 174412
"Single observable concurrence measurement without simultaneous copies"Salles AR., de Melo F, Retamal JC, de Matos RL, Zagury NPHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 74, pp. 060303
"Stability of magnetic configurations in nanorings"Landeros P, Escrig J, Altbir D, Bahiana M, Castro JDJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 100, pp. 044311
"Static charged distributions in 2+1 gravity"Cataldo M, Cruz NPHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 72, pp. 104026
"String solutions in Chern-Simons-Higgs model coupled to an axion"Lopez-Sarrion J, Moreno EF, Schaposnik FA, Slobinsky DPHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 73, pp. 125007
"Temperature dependence of universal fluctuations in the two-dimensional harmonic XY model"Palma G.PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 73, pp. 046130
"The one-dimensional hydrogen atom revisited"Palma G, Raff UCANADIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol. 84, pp. 787 , 800
"Transverse magnetic anisotropy of magnetoelastic origin induced in Co nanowires"Silva EL, Nunes WC, Knobel M, Denardin JC, Zanchet D, Pirota K, Navas D, Vazquez MPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, Vol. 384, pp. 22 , 24
"Ultraviolet modified photons and anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation"Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J, Polychronakos APPHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 634, pp. 471 , 473
"Unification of standard and exotic matter through a Z(2) symmetry"Matute EA.PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 73, pp. 055008
"Vortex state and effect of anisotropy in sub-100-nm magnetic nanodots"Mejia-Lopez J, Altbir D, Romero AH, Batlle X, Roshchin IV, Li CP, Schulter IKJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 100 , pp. 104319
"Vortices in U(1) noncommutative gauge fields"Falomir H, Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J, Mendez F, da Silva AJPHYSICAL REVIEW D , Vol. 74, pp. 047701
"Vortices, infrared effects and Lorentz invariance violation"Falomir H, Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J, Mendez F, da Silva AJPHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 632, pp. 740 , 744
ectronic speckle pattern interferometer design to get maximum sensitivity on the measurement of displacement vector fieldsA. Martinez, Rayas J.A. Cordero RR.Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Effect of the resolution on the uncertainty evaluationR. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Labbe F.Metrologia, Vol. , pp.
Laser Speckle Correlation Applied to Flow Field Measurements in Granular MediaHamm E, Melo FEurophysics Letters, Vol. 73, pp. 356 , 362
Measuring out-of-plane displacements by electronic speckle-pattern interferometry (ESPI) and whole-field subtractive moiréR. Cordero, Labbé F.Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Monitoring the strain-rate progression of an aluminium sample undergoing tensile deformation by Electronic Speckle-Pattern Interferometry (ESPI)R. Cordero, Labbé F.J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. , pp.
"A novel noninvasive ultrasonic method to assess avocado ripening"Gaete-Garreton L, Vargas-Hernandez Y, Leon-Vidal CJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, Vol. 70, pp. 187 , 191
"An adiabatic approximation to the path integral for relativistic fermionic fields"Cortes JL, Gamboa J, Lepe S, Lopez-Sarrion JPHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 619, pp. 367 , 376
"Analysis of PM10, PM2.5, and PM2.5-10 concentrations in Santiago, Chile, from 1989 to 2001"Koutrakis P, Sax SN, Sarnat JA, Coull B, Demokritou P, Oyola P, Garcia J, Gramsch EJOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION , Vol. 55, pp. 342 , 351
"Angular dispersion of protons passing through thin metallic films"Archubi CD, Denton CD, Eckardt JC, Lantschner GH, Arista NR, Valdes JE, Ferron JNUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS , Vol. 230, pp. 53 , 58
"Asymmetric reversal of the hysteresis loop in exchange-biased nanodots"Mejia-Lopez J, Soto P, Altbir DPHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 71, pp. 104422
"Binaries and core-ring structures in self-gravitating systems"Ispolatov I.PHYSICAL REVIEW E , Vol. 72 , pp. 026115
"Cliques and duplication-divergence network growth"Ispolatov I, Krapivsky PL, Mazo I, Yuryev ANEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol. 7, pp.
"Confined developable elastic surfaces: cylinders, cones and the Elastica"E. Cerda, L. MahadevanPROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES, Vol. 461, pp. 671 , 700
"Confinement in the presence of external fields and axions"Gaete P.MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 20, pp. 319 , 327
"Corrections to universal fluctuations in correlated systems: The two-dimensional XY model"Mack G, Palma G, Vergara LPHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 72, pp. 026119
"Duplication-divergence model of protein interaction network"Ispolatov I, Krapivsky PL, Yuryev APHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 71 , pp. 061911
"Dynamic properties of a classical anisotropic Heisenberg chain under external magnetic field"Davis S, Gutierrez GPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER , Vol. 355, pp. 1 , 8
"Dynamics of bio-polymeric brushes growing from a cellular membrane: Tentative modelling of the actin turnover within an adhesion unit; the podosome"Biben T, Geminard JC, Melo FJOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS , Vol. 31, pp. 87 , 120
"Effect of the polypropylene type on polymer-diluent phase diagrams and membrane structure in membranes formed via the TIPS process - Part I. Metallocene and Ziegler-Natta polypropylenes"Yave W, Quijada R, Lloyd DR, Serafini DJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, Vol. 263, pp. 146 , 153
"Effect of the polypropylene type on polymer-diluent phase diagrams and membrane structure in membranes formed via the TIPS process - Part II. Syndiotactic and isotactic polypropylenes produced using metallocene catalysts"Yave W, Quijada R, Serafini D, Lloyd DRJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, Vol. 263, pp. 154 , 159
"Effects of alginic acid from marine algae on calcium carbonate electrodeposited coating"Pavez J, Silva JF, Melo FJOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH , Vol. 282, pp. 438 , 447
"Entanglement swapping via quantum state discrimination"Delgado A, Roa L, Retamal JC, Saavedra CPHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 71, pp. 012303
"Forecasting of DST variations from polar cap indices using neural networks"Stepanova MV, Antonova EE, Troshichev OSPACE WEATHER ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, Vol. 36, pp. 2451 , 2454
"Gauge field theory in the infrared regime"Das A, Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J, Schaposnik FAPHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 72, pp. 107702
"Geometric aspects of the dipolar interaction in lattices of small particles"Arias PR, Altbir D, Bahiana MJOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, Vol. 17, pp. 1625 , 1633
"Homogeneous calcium carbonate coating obtained by electrodeposition: in situ atomic force microscope observations"Pavez J, Silva JF, Melo FELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, Vol. 50, pp. 3488 , 3494
"How Hertzian solitary waves interact with boundaries in a 1D granular medium"Job S, Melo F, Sokolow A, Sen SPHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 94, pp. 178002
"Localized instability of a granular layer submitted to an ascending liquid flow"Rigord P, Guarino A, Vidal V, Geminard JCGRANULAR MATTER, Vol. 7 , pp. 191 , 197
"Mechanics of scars"E. CerdaJournal of Biomechanics, Vol. 38, pp. 1598 , 1603
"Nonrelativistic anyons in external electromagnetic field"Horvathy PA, Plyushchay MSNUCLEAR PHYSICS B , Vol. 714, pp. 269 , 291
"On hidden broken nonlinear superconformal symmetry of conformal mechanics and nature of double nonlinear superconformal symmetry"Correa F, del Olmo MA, Plyushchay MSPHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 628, pp. 157 , 164
"PC-index fluctuations and intermittency of the magnetospheric dynamics"Stepanova M, Antonova ESPACE WEATHER ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, Vol. 36, pp. 2423 , 2427
"Prediction of D-st variations from Polar Cap indices using time-delay neural network"Stepanova M, Antonova E, Troshichev OJOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, Vol. 67, pp. 1658 , 1664
"Quantum uncertainty in doubly special relativity"Cortes JL, Gamboa JPHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 71, pp. 065015
"Recombination of H-2(+) molecules in channeling conditions"Denton CD, Diaz-Valdes J, Valdes JE, Vargas P, Arista NRNUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, Vol. 230, pp. 36 , 40
"Resonances for Hamiltonians with a delta perturbation in one dimension"Fernandez C, Palma G, Prado HJOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, Vol. 38, pp. 7509 , 7518
"Scaling relations for magnetic nanoparticles"Landeros P, Escrig J, Altbir D, Laroze D, Castro JDE, Vargas PPHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 71, pp. 94435
"Scattering of solitary waves from interfaces in granular media"Vergara L.PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 95, pp. 108002
"Size segregation, convection, and arching effect"Saez A, Vivanco F, Melo FPHYSICAL REVIEW E , Vol. 72, pp. 021307
"Spectroscopic study of floating zone technique-grown Nd3+-doped CaMoO4"Andrade LHC, Ardila DR, Barbosa LB, Andreeta JP, Li MS, Brenier A, Guyot Y, Boulon GEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 29, pp. 55 , 64
"Static circularly symmetric perfect fluid solutions with an exterior BTZ metric"Cruz N, Olivares M, Villanueva JRGENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION, Vol. 37, pp. 667 , 674
"The geodesic structure of the Schwarzschild anti-de Sitter black hole"Cruz N, Olivares M, Villanueva JRCLASSICAL AND QUANTUM GRAVITY, Vol. 22, pp. 1167 , 1190
"U(1) noncommutative gauge fields and magnetogenesis"Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion JPHYSICAL REVIEW D , Vol. 71, pp. 067702
"Ultrasonic sound velocity measurement in samples of soft materials through under-resonance excitation"Ammann J, Apablaza V, Galaz B, Flores CULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, Vol. 31, pp. 485 , 491
"Variation of the plasma turbulence in the central plasma sheet during substorm phases observed by the interball/tail satellite"Stepanova M, Vucina-Parga T, Antonova E, Ovchinnikov I, Yermolaev YJOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS, Vol. 67, pp. 1815 , 1820
"Viscous dark energy and phantom evolution"Cataldo M, Cruz N, Lepe SPHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 619, pp. 5 , 10
BIOLOGICALLY PROGRAMMED SILICON NANOPARTICLES ASSEMBLYD. P. SINGH and O. N. SRIVASTAVAInternational Journal of Nanoscience, Vol. 4, pp. 1039 , 1043
Climatology of Surface Ultraviolet-Radiation in Valparaiso, ChileR. Cordero, Roth P. DaSilva L. Georgiev A.Energy Conversion and Management , Vol. , pp.
Economic growth or environmental protection? The false dilemma of the Latin-American CountriesR. Cordero, Roth P. DaSilva L.Environmental Science and Policy , Vol. , pp.
Evaluation of the uncertainty associated with a phase-difference map measured only once by the phase-shifting techniqueR. Cordero, Labbé F. Martínez A. Rodríguez-Vera R.Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Measuring displacement derivatives by Electronic Speckle Pattern Shearing Interferometry (ESPSI)F. Labbé, Cordero RR. Martínez A. Rodríguez-Vera R.Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Monitoring the plastic deformation progression of a specimen undergoing tensile deformation by moiré interferometryF. Labbé, Cordero RR.Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
On Two Methods to Evaluate the Uncertainty of Derivatives Calculated from Polynomials Fitted to Experimental DataR. Cordero, Roth P.Metrologia , Vol. , pp.
Revisiting the problem of the evaluation of the uncertainty associated with a single measurementR. Cordero, Roth P.Metrologia , Vol. , pp.
Synthesis, characterizations and applications of some nanomaterials (TiO2 and SiC nanostructured ¯lms, organized CNT structures, ZnO structures and CNT{blood platelet clusters)O. N. SRIVASTAVA, A. SRIVASTAVA, D. DASH, D. P. SINGH, R. M. YADAV, P. R. MISHRA and J. SINGHPRAMANA, Vol. 65, pp. 581 , 592
Uncertainty analysis of displacement measured by in-plane ESPI with spherical wavefrontsA. Martínez, Cordero RR. Rayas J.A. Puga H.J. Rodríguez-Vera R.Applied Optics , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Evaluation of displacement gradients measured by Electronic Speckle Pattern Shearing Interferometry (ESPSI)R. Cordero, Labbé F.Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Evaluation of out-of-plane displacements measured by Electronic Speckle-Pattern Interferometry (ESPI)R. Cordero, Labbé F.Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Whole-Field Analysis of Uniaxial Tensile Tests by Moiré InterferometryR. Cordero, François M. Lira I. Vial-Edwards C.Optics and Laser in Engineering , Vol. , pp.
"A theoretical approach to some analytical properties of heterogeneous enzymatic assays"Gutierrez OA, Chavez M, Lissi EANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 76, pp. 2664 , 2668
"A topological view on baryon number conservation"Matute, EAMODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 19, pp. 1469 , 1482
"Angular dispersion of protons transmitted through thin gold films"Archubi, C, Denton, C, Eckardt, JC, Lantschner, GH, Lovey, F, Valdes, J, Parra, C, Zappa, F, Arista, NRPHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH, Vol. 241 , pp. 2389 , 2393
"Anomalously slow phase transitions in self-gravitating systems"Ispolatov I, Karttunen MPHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 70, pp. 026102
"Anyon wave equations and the noncommutative plane"Horvathy, PA, Plyushchay, MSPHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 595, pp. 547 , 555
"Azimuthal plasma pressure reconstructed by using the Aureol-3 satellite data during quiet geomagnetic conditions"Stepanova, MV, Antonova, EE, Bosqued, JM, Kovrazhkin, RSTREAMERS, SLOW SOLAR WIND, AND THE DYNAMICS OF THE MAGNETOSPHERE, Vol. 33, pp. 737 , 741
"Carbon monoxide concentration forecasting in santiago, chile"Perez. P, Palacios. R, Castillo. AJOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION, Vol. 54, pp. 908 , 913
"Central charges and effective action at finite temperature and density"Gamboa, J, Lopez-Sarrion, JMODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 19, pp. 223 , 238
"Electronic structure of crystalline binary and ternary Cd-Te-O compounds"Menendez-Proupin E, Gutierrez, G, Palmero, E, Pena, JLPHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 70, pp. 035112
"Entanglement rate in qubits"Guzman, R, Retamal, JC, Romero, JL, Saavedra, CPHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 323, pp. 382 , 388
"Experimental energy loss of slow H+ and H-2(+) in channeling conditions"Valdes, JE, Parra, C, Diaz-Valdes, J, Denton, CD, Agurto, C, Ortega, F, Arista, NR, Vargas, PPHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol. 68, pp. 064901
"Experimental study of surface waves scattering by a single vortex and a vortex dipole"Vivanco, F, Melo, FPHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 69, pp. 026307
"Growth and evaluation of lanthanoids orthoniobates single crystals processed by a miniature pedestal growth technique"Octaviano ES, Ardila DR, Andrade LHC, Li MS, Andreeta JPCRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY , Vol. 39, pp. 859 , 863
"Nonlinear superconformal symmetry of a fermion in the field of a Dirac monopole"Leiva, C, Plyushchay, MSPHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 582, pp. 135 , 143
"Nonlinear supersymmetry: from classical to quantum mechanics"Plyushchay M.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, Vol. 37, pp. 10375 , 10384
"On the thermal description of the BTZ black holes"Cruz, N; Lepe, S.PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 593, pp. 235 , 241
"Ordering effects of the dipolar interaction in lattices of small magnetic particles"Bahiana M, Nunes JPP, Altbir D, Vargas PJOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, Vol. 281, pp. 372 , 377
"Quantum theory of tensionless noncommutative p-branes"Gamboa J, Loewe M, Mendez FPHYSICAL REVIEW D , Vol. 70, pp. 106006
"Radial plasma pressure gradients in the high latitude magnetosphere as sources of instabilities leading"Stepanova, MV, Antonova, EE, Bosqued, JM, Kovrazhkin, RSTREAMERS, SLOW SOLAR WIND, AND THE DYNAMICS OF THE MAGNETOSPHERE, Vol. 33, pp. 761 , 768
"Simple broad-band frequency-independent analog I/Q generator"Orellana, C, Labbe RREVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Vol. 75, pp. 2216 , 2217
"Structural similarities between Ti metal and titanium oxides: implications on the high-pressure behavior of oxygen in metallic matrices"Vegas A, Mejia-Lopez J, Romero AH, Kiwi M, Santamaria-Perez D, Baonza VGSOLID STATE SCIENCES, Vol. 6, pp. 809 , 814
"Structure of liquid GeO2 from a computer simulation model"Gutierrez, G, Rogan, JPHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 69, pp. 031201
"Study of floating zone profiles in materials grown by the laser-heated pedestal growth technique under isostatic atmosphere"Ardila DR, Cofre LV, Barbosa LB, Andreeta JPCRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY , Vol. 39, pp. 855 , 858
"Subleading critical exponents from the renormalisation group"Litim, DF, Vergara, LPHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 581, pp. 263 , 269
"Superconformal mechanics and nonlinear supersymmetry"Leiva, C, Plyushchay, MSJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, Vol. 10, pp. 069
"The effects of electric field on the electronic structure of a semiconductor quantum dot"Menendez-Proupin, E.JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 84, pp. 3223 , 3224
"The Elements of Draping"E. Cerda, L. Mahadevan, J.M. PasiniPNAS, Vol. 101, pp. 1806 , 1810
"Uranium density measurements and homogeneity assessment in quality control of low enriched 235U fuel plates using machine vision"Salinas, RA, Raff, U, Coronado, H.MEASUREMENT & CONTROL, Vol. 36, pp. 305 , 308
"Wrinkle formations in axi-symmetrically stretched membranes"J.Ch. Geminard, R. Bernal, F. MeloEuropean Physical Journal E, Vol. 15, pp. 117 , 126
Assigning Probability Density Functions in a Context of Information ShortageR. Cordero, Roth P.Metrologia , Vol. , pp.
Dynamics of Developable Cones under ShearE. Hamm, B. Roman, F. MeloPhysical Review E, Vol. 70, pp. 026607
Formation and alignment of silicon nanoparticles on DNA templateIndian Journal of Physics, Vol. 78A, pp. 197 , 199
Implementación de un método experimental para la estimación de la entalpía de reacción en materiales formadores de hidrurosE. Galuppo, D. Serafini, A. San MartínXIV Simposio de la Sociedad Chilena de Física, Vol. , pp.
The Uncertainty of Experimental Derivatives: Application to Strain MeasurementI. Lira, Cordero R. François M. Vial-Edwards C.Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Analysis of Displacements Measured by Phase-Shifting Moiré InterferometryR. Cordero, Lira I.Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Evaluation of Displacements Measured by Electronic Speckle-Pattern InterferometryR. Cordero. Martínez A. Rodríguez-Vera R. Roth P.Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Whole-Field Strain Uncertainty Evaluation by a Monte Carlo MethodR. Cordero, Roth P.Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
"Geometry and Physics of Wrinkling"E. Cerda, L. MahadevanPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 90, pp. 74302
Caracterización de Aleaciones Formadoras de Hidruros ZrTiNiCrAlG Duarte, I Uribe, A San Martín, D SerafiniMatéria, Vol. 8, pp. 131 , 136
Crystalline Mg2Ni Obtained from Mg-Ni Amorphous Precursor Produced by Mechanical AlloyingS. Ordoñez, P. Rojas, O. Bustos, V. Martínez, D. Serafini y A. San Martín.Journal of Materials Science Letters, Vol. 22, pp. 717 , 720
Formation and Size Dependence of Germanium Nanoparticles at Different Helium PressuresD. P. Singh, A. K. Singh, and O. N. SrivastavaJOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, Vol. 3, pp. 545 , 548
Stoichiometric quantification of the amorphous precursor in the Mg-Ni systemS. Ordoñez, P. Rojas, A. San Martín D. Serafini and O. Bustos.Materials Science Forum, Vol. 416, pp. 138 , 144
"Thin Films: Wrinkling of an Elastic Sheet under Tension"E. Cerda, K. Ravi-Chandar, L. MahadevanNature, Vol. 419, pp. 579 , 580
Estudio de la obtención del compuesto Mg2Ni mediante calorimetría diferencial de barridoS. Ordoñez, P. Rojas, D. Serafini, A. San Martín, V. MartínezSimposio MATERIA-SAM-CONAMET , Vol. , pp.
Normal-Mode Vortex InteractionsR. Bernal, C. Coste, F. Lund, F. MeloPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 89(3), pp. 34501
"Asymptotics Description of a Viscous Fluid Layer"J. Statistical Physics, Vol. 101, pp. 553 , 565
"Conical Dislocations in Crumpling"E. Cerda, S. Chaieb, F. Melo, L. MahadevanNature, Vol. 401, pp. 46 , 49
"Mg based alloys obtained by mechanical alloying"S. Ordoñez, G. Garcia, D. Serafini, A. San-MartinMaterials Science Forum, Vol. 478, pp. 299 , 300
Chirality dependent component of vortex advection in excitable mediaV. Voignier, E. Hamm, V. KrinskyChaos, Vol. 9, pp. 238 , 241
"Conical Surfaces and Crescent Singularities in Crumpled Sheets"E. Cerda, L. MahadevanPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 80, pp. 2358 , 2361
"Faraday’s Instability in Viscous Fluid"E. Cerda, E. TirapeguiJournal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 368, pp. 195 , 228
"Formación de precursores amorfos de Mg2Ni por aleado mecánico"D. Serafini, G. Garcia, S. Ordoñez, A. San MartinSimposio IBEROMET1998, Septiembre 1998, Rosario, Argentina., Vol. , pp.
"Influencia del tiempo de molienda en los tamaños de cristalito y parametros de red de aleaciones Mg-Ni producidas por aleado mecánico"S. Ordoñez, A. San MartinSimposio IBEROMET1998, Septiembre 1998, Rosario, Argentina., Vol. , pp.
"Interacción de Hidrógeno con amorfos y nanocristales de Mg2Ni obtenidos por aleado mecánico"G. Garcia, D. Serafini, S. Ordoñez, A. San Martinpresented at Simposio Materia 98, November 1998, Caracas, Venezuela., Vol. , pp.
"Microstructural evolution of Mg-based alloys obtained by mechanical alloying"S. Ordoñez, A. San Martinpresented at Powder Metallurgy World Congress & Exhibition 1998, October 1998, Granada, España., Vol. , pp.
"Presented at VII Simposio Nacional de Física Experimental y Aplicada, 5- 9 Enero 1998, Santiago, Chile"S. Ordoñez, R. Sebastian, A. San Martin"Producción de aleaciones de Magnesio-Niquel mediante el proceso de aleado mecánico", Vol. , pp.
"Soluciones sólidas del sistema inmiscible (Cu-Mo) producidas por aleación mecánica"J. Marin, A. San MartinVII Simposio Nacional de Física Experimental y Aplicada, 5- 9 Enero 1998, Santiago, Chile., Vol. , pp.
Mg based alloys obtained by mechanical alloyingS Ordóñez, G García, D Serafini, A San MartínMaterials science forum, Vol. 299, pp. 478 , 485
"Aleaciones almacenadoras de hidrógeno y sus usos"A. San MartinConferencia Plenaria en Forum:Hidrógeno en Materiales, presented at Simposio MATERIA 97, October 1997, Montevideo, Uruguay., Vol. , pp.
"Effects of mechanical alloying on the Mo contents of Cu-based alloys"J. Marin, A. San Martinpresented at First International Latin American Conference on Powder Technology, November 1997, Sao Paulo, Brasil., Vol. , pp.
"Estructura, caracterización y absorción de hidrógeno de aleaciones Mg2Ni obtenidas por aleado mecánico"G. Garcia, D. Serafini, S. Ordoñez, A. San Martin82 Reunión Nacional de la Asociación Física Argentina, Septiembre 1997, San Luis, Argentina., Vol. , pp.
"Faraday’s Instability for Viscous Fluids"E. Cerda, E. TirapeguiPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 78, pp. 859 , 862
"Interacción del Hidrógeno con aleaciones de Magnesio-Niquel producidas por aleado mecánico"S. Ordoñez, D. Serafini, G. Garcia, M.Ruda, J. Sofo, F. Castro, G. Meyer, A. San Martin, J.P. Abriatapresented at Simposio MATERIA 97, October 1997, Montevideo, Uruguay., Vol. , pp.
"Model for Subharmonic Waves in Granular Materials"E. Cerda, F. Melo, S. RicaPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 79, pp. 4570 4570 , 4573
"Diagramas de fase de sistemas Metal-Hidrógeno: Sugerencias para la busqueda de datos"A. San Martinpresented at Primera Reunión del Comité Argentino de Diagramas de Fase (CADFA), 23-25 de Agosto 1996, Centro Atómico Constituyentes, Buenos Aires, Argen, Vol. , pp.
"Effective Potential and Weak Noise Transitions"H. Calisto, E. Cerda, E. TirapeguiJournal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 82, pp. 1015 , 1045
Dense and Sparse Spirals Drift in Opposite Directions in Electric FieldV. Krinsky, E. Hamm, V. Voignier 3854Physical Review Letters, Vol. 76, pp. 3854 , 3857
Fast Selective Annihilation of Spiral WavesK. Agladze, V. Voignier, E. Hamm, F. Plaza, V. Krinsky.Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 100, pp. 18764 , 18769
"The H-Mn (Hydrogen - Manganese) System"A. San-Martin, F.D. ManchesterJ. Phase Equilibria, Vol. 16, pp. 255 , 262
"The H-U (Hydrogen - Uranium) System"F.D. Manchester, A. San-MartinJ. Phase Equilibria, Vol. 16, pp. 263 , 275
"Scattering of First Sound by Superfluid Vortices"C. Nore, M.E. Brachet, E. Cerda, E. TirapeguiPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 72, pp. 2593 , 2595
"The H-Pd (Hydrogen - Palladium) System"F.D. Manchester, A. San-MartinJ. Phase Equilibria, Vol. 15, pp. 62 , 83
"Interaction of Surface Waves with Vorticity in Shallow Water"E. Cerda, F. LundPhysical Review Letters, Vol. 70, pp. 3896 , 3899
"Weak Noise Expansions through Funtional Integrals for Colored Noise"H. Calisto, E. Cerda, E. TirapeguiJournal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 71, pp. 513 , 528
"Comment on Noise and Bifurcations"H. Calisto, E. Cerda, E. TirapeguiJournal of Statistical Physics, Vol. 69, pp. 1115 , 1122
The Al-H (aluminum-hydrogen) systemA San-Martin, FD ManchesterJournal of phase equilibria, Vol. 13, pp. 17 , 21
The H-Ta (hydrogen-tantalum) systemA San-Martin, FD ManchesterJournal of phase equilibria, Vol. 12, pp. 332 , 343
The Fe-H (Iron-Hydrogen) SystemA San-Martin, FD ManchesterBulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams, Vol. 11, pp. 173 , 184
The H-Na (Hydrogen-Sodium) SystemA San-Martin, FD ManchesterJournal of phase equilibria, Vol. 11, pp. 287 , 294
The H-Zr (hydrogen-zirconium) systemE Zuzek, JP Abriata, A San-Martin, FD ManchesterBulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams, Vol. 11, pp. 385 , 395
The H-Zn (Hydrogen-Zinc) systemA San-Martin, FD ManchesterJournal of phase equilibria, Vol. 10, pp. 664 , 666
The effect of lattice distortions on the X-ray measurement of lattice parameters for PdHx. I. Empirical relationshipsIS Balbaa, PA Hardy, A San-Martin, PG Coulter, FD MachesterJournal of Physics F: Metal Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 2041 , 2048
The H− Mg (Hydrogen-Magnesium) systemA San-Martin, FD ManchesterJournal of Phase Equilibria, Vol. 8, pp. 431 , 437
The H− Ti (Hydrogen-Titanium) systemA San-Martin, FD ManchesterBulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams, Vol. 8, pp. 30 , 42
Influence of a direct current and a temperature gradient on the creep rate in V3SiA San Martin, K Kleinstück, NH Quyen, P Pauflerphysica status solidi (a), Vol. 80, pp. 171 , 174
Influence of chemical composition on dislocation structure and its change by plastic deformation of V3Si single crystalsDM Nghiep, NH Quyen, P Paufler, M Bertram, K Kleinstück, U Krämer, A San MartinKristall und Technik, Vol. 15, pp. 733 , 741
The electroplastic effect in V3SiA San Martin, DM Nghiep, P Paufler, K Kleinstück, U Krämer, NH QuyenScripta Metallurgica, Vol. 14, pp. 1041 , 1045
Influence of plastic deformation on superconducting properties of V3Si single crystalsNH Quyen, P Paufler, K‐H Berthel, M Bertram, U Krämer, DM Nghiep, A San Martin, A Gladun, K Kleinstückphysica status solidi (a), Vol. 56, pp. 231 , 236
Dynamical dimerization phase in Jaynes-Cummings latticesRubén Peña, Felipe Torres and Guillermo RomeroNew Journal of Physics, Vol. , pp.
Formaciones semióticas en libros de texto: uso de modelos para interpretar fenómenos ondulatoriosHernández, C., Izquierdo, M.Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Vol. , pp.
Quantum criticality and state engineering in the simulated anisotropic quantum Rabi modelNew Journal of Physics, Vol. , pp.
Quantum criticality and state engineering in the simulated anisotropic quantum Rabi modelYimin Wang, Wen-Long You, Maoxin Liu, Yuli Dong, Hong-Gang Luo, Guillermo Romero and Jian-Qiang YouNew Journal of Physics, Vol. , pp.