Grupo Física No Lineal

Publicaciones del grupo
Faraday-wave contact-line shear gradient induces streaming and tracer self-organization: From vortical to hedgehoglike patterns
H. Alarcón, M. Herrera-Muñoz, N. Périnet, N. Mujica, P. Gutiérrez, L. Gordillo
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 125, pp. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.254505 254505
A Fresh Look at Growth Oscillations in Pollen Tubes: Kinematic and Mechanistic Descriptions
M. Van Hemelryck, R. Bernal, E. R. Rojas, J. Dumais, J. H. Kroeger
Publisher: Springer, Vol. Book Chapter 14, pp. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-56645-0_14 369, 389
Mechanical impulse propagation in a three-dimensional packing of spheres confined at constant pressure
Santibanez, F, Zuniga, R, Melo, F
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 93, pp. 000369331300015
Stress profile in a two-dimensional silo: Effects induced by friction mobilization
Vivanco, F, Mercado, J, Santibanez, F, Melo, F
PHYSICAL REVIEW E , Vol. 94, pp. 000381896600010
The tearing path in a thin anisotropic sheet from two pulling points: Wulff's view
Ibarra, A, Roman, B, Melo, F
SOFT MATTER, Vol. 12, pp. 5979, 5985
Acoustic investigation of the aperture dynamics of an elastic membrane closing an overpressurized cylindrical cavity
C. Sanches, V. Vidal, F. Melo
European Physical Journal Plus, Vol. 130 8 Aug, pp. 2190-5444 175 WOS:000360403000001
Assessment of the Nature Interactions of beta-Amyloid Protein by a Nanoprobe Method
L. Caballero, J. Mena, A. Morales-Alvarez, M. J. Kogan, F. Melo
Langmuir, Vol. 31 1 Jan, pp. 0743-7463 WOS:000348085900040 299, 306
PDIviz: analysis and visualization of protein-DNA binding interfaces
J. Ribeiro, F. Melo, A. Schuller
Bioinformatics, Vol. 31 16 2751-2753 Aug, pp. 1367-4803 WOS:000359666600023
Transition from isometric to stretching ridges in thin elastic films
J. F. Fuentealba, O. Albarrán, E. Hamm, E. Cerda
Physical Review E, Vol. 91, pp. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.91.032407 32407
Armoring a droplet: Soft jamming of a dense granular interface
Lagubeau, G, Rescaglio, A , Melo, F
Physical Review E, Vol. 90, pp. WOS:000341269900001
Interstitial gas effect on vibrated granular columns
Pastenes, J.C., Géminard, J.C., Melo, F.
Phys. Rev. E., Vol. 89, pp. 62205
Molecular configuration of gelatin-water suspensions at low concentration
Díaz-Calderón,P., Caballero, L., Melo, F., Enrione, J.
Food Hydrocolloids , Vol. 39, pp. 171, 179
"Effect of packing fraction on shear band formation in a granular material forced by a penetrometer"
F. Tapia, D. Espíndola, E. Hamm, F. Melo
Physical Review E, Vol. 87, pp. 14201
"Gold Nanoparticle-Membrane Interactions: Implications in Biomedicine"
A. Riveros, K. Dadlani, E. Sales, L. Caballero, F. Melo, M. J. Kogan
Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. 4, 21
"New evidence on the role of catalase in Escherichia coli-mediated biocorrosion"
S. Baeza, N. Véjar, M. Gulppi, M. Azócar, F. Melo, A. Monsalve, J. Pérez-Donoso, C. C. Vásquez, J. Pavez, J. H. X. Zhou, G. E. Thompson, M. A. Páez
Corrosion Science, Vol. 67, pp. 32, 41
Forbidden Directions for the Fracture of Thin Anisotropic Sheets: an Analogy with the Wulff Plot
A. Takei, B. Roman, J. Bico, E. Hamm, F. Melo
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 110, pp. 144301
The effect of rock decompaction on the interaction of movement zones in underground mining
F. Vivanco, F. Melo
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 60, pp. 381, 388
“Large area patterned magnetic films by depositing cobalt layers on nano-wrinkled polydimethylsiloxane templates”
J.Briones, P.Toro, A.Encinas, L.Caballero, J.C.Denardin, F.Melo, E.Cerda, S.Robert, D.Lacour, F.Montaigne
App. Phys. Lett., Vol. 103, pp. 072404
“Oscillating gas flow induces reptation of granular droplets”
J.Contreras, JC.Geminard, F.Melo
Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 88, pp. 012201
"Adhesion, Stretching, and Electrical Charge Assessment of Dermatan Sulfate Molecules by Colloidal Probes"
R. Gonzalez, L. Caballero, J. Pavez, F. Melo
Langmuir, Vol. 28, pp. 9506, 9514
"Dynamical arching in a two dimensional granular flow"
Francisco Vivanco, Sergio Rica, Francisco Melo
Granular Matter, Vol. 14, pp. 563, 576
"Effect of cohesion and shear modulus on the stability of a stretched granular layer"
Hector Alarcon, Jean-Christophe Geminard, Francisco Melo
Physical Review E, Vol. 86, pp. 61303
"Flexural fracturing of a cohesive granular layer"
Jean-Christophe Géminard, Lorene Champougny, Pierre Lidon, Francisco Melo
Physical Review E, Vol. 85, pp. 12301
"Ultrasound induces aging in granular materials"
David Espindola, Belfor Galaz, Francisco Melo
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 109, pp. 158301
"A silanol-based nanocomposite coating for protection of AA-2024 aluminium alloy"
E. Gonzalez, J. Pavez, I. Azocar, J. H. Zagal, X. Zhou, F. Melo, G. E. Thompson, M. A. Paez
Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 56, pp. 7586, 7595
"Experimental evidence of solitary wave interaction in Hertzian chains"
F. Santibañez, R. Muñoz, A. Caussarieu, S. Job, F. Melo
Physical Review E, Vol. 84, pp. 26604
"Fulvic acid inhibits aggregation and promotes disassembly of tau fibrils associated with Alzheimer's disease"
Alberto Cornejo, José M. Jiménez, Leonardo Caballero, Francisco Melo, Ricardo B. Maccioni
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Vol. 27, pp. 143, 153
"The 3D shape of the loosening zone above multiple draw points in block caving through plasticity model with a dilation front"
F. Vivanco, T. Watt, F. Melo
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 48, pp. 406, 411
Dynamics of Shear Bands in a Dense Granular Material Forced by a Slowly Moving Rigid Body
E. Hamm, F. Tapia, F. Melo
Physical Review E, Vol. 84, pp. 41304, 0
Elastic response and wrinkling onset of curved elastic membranes subjected to indentation test
R. Bernal, C. Tassius, F. Melo, J. Ch. Geminard
European Physical Journal E, Vol. 34(2), pp. 13
"Drag force as a tool to test the active mechanical response of PC12 neurites"
R. Bernal, F. Melo, P. A. Pullarkat
Biophysical Journal, Vol. 98, pp. 515, 523
"Dynamics of soap bubble bursting and its implications to volcano acoustics"
V. Vidal, M. Ripepe, T. Divoux, D. Legrand, J. C. Germinard, F. Melo
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 493, pp. 326
"Exploring the surface charge on peptide-gold nanoparticle conjugates by force spectroscopy"
A. R. Guerrero, L. Caballero, A. Adeva, F. Melo
Langmuir, Vol. 26, pp. 12026, 12032
"Softening induced instability of a stretched cohesive granular layer"
H. Alarcón, O. Ramos, L. Vanel, F. Vittoz, F. Melo, J. C. Geminard
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 105, pp. 208001
"Ultrasound propagation in wet and airless non-consolidated granular materials"
S. Griffiths, A. Rescaglio, F. Melo
Ultrasonics, Vol. 50, pp. 139, 144
"Calculated isolated extracted and movement zones compared to scaled models for block caving"
F. Vivanco, F. Melo, C. Fuentes
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 46, pp. 731, 737
"Wave localization in strongly nonlinear Hertzian chains with mass defect"
F. Melo, S.Job, F.Santibañez, F. Tapia
Physical Review E, Vol. 80, pp. 25602
“Isolated movement zone for interacting draw points in underground mining: dilation effects”
F.Melo, F.Vivanco, C.Fuentes
Micromechanics of Granular Media edited by M. Nakagawa and S.Lunding, AIP Conf, Proc, Vol. 1145, pp. 25
"Acoustic emission associated with the bursting of a gas bubble at the free surface of a non-Newtonian fluid"
T. Divoux, V. Vidal, F. Melo, J. C. Geminard
Physical Review E, Vol. 77, pp. 56310
"Kinematic model for quasi static granular displacements in block caving: Dilatancy effects on drawbody shapes"
F. Melo, F. Vivanco, C. Fuentes, V. Apablaza
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Vol. 45, pp. 248, 259
"Nonlinear waves in dry and wet Hertzian granular chains"
S. Job, F. Santibanez, F. Tapia, F. Melo
Ultrasonics, Vol. 48, pp. 506, 514
"Tearing as a test for mechanical characterization of thin adhesive films"
E. Hamm, P. Reis, M. LeBlanc, B. Roman, E. Cerda
Nature Materials, Vol. 7, pp. 386, 390
Tearing as a Test for Mechanical Characterization of Thin Adhesive Films
E. Hamm, P. Reis, M. LeBlanc, B. Roman, E. Cerda
Nature Materials, Vol. 7, pp. 386, 390
"Mechanical characterization of elastic membranes: Cell mechanics applications"
R. Bernal, C. Tassius, F. Melo, J. C. Geminard
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, pp. 63903
"Mechanical properties of axon"
R. Bernal, P. A. Pullarkat, F. Melo
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 99, pp. 18301
"On drawbody shapes: from bergmark-roos to kinematic models"
F. Melo, F. Vivanco, C. Fuentes, V. Apablaza
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences, Vol. 44, pp. 77, 86
"Solitary wave trains in granular chains: experiments, theory and simulations"
S. Job, F. Melo, A. Sokolow, S. Sen
Granular Matter, Vol. 10, pp. 13, 20
Developable Modes in Vibrated Thin Plates
A. Boudaoud, E. Hamm, F. Melo
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 99, pp. 254301
"Acoustic signal associated with the bursting of a soap film which initially closes an overpressurized cavity - Experiment and theory"
Vidal V, Geminard JC, Divoux T, Melo F
EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B, Vol. 54, pp. 321, 339
"Experimental evidence of shock mitigation in a Hertzian tapered chain"
Melo F, Job S, Santibanez F, Tapia F
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 73, pp. 041305
Laser Speckle Correlation Applied to Flow Field Measurements in Granular Media
Hamm E, Melo F
Europhysics Letters, Vol. 73, pp. 356, 362
"Dynamics of bio-polymeric brushes growing from a cellular membrane: Tentative modelling of the actin turnover within an adhesion unit; the podosome"
Biben T, Geminard JC, Melo F
"Effects of alginic acid from marine algae on calcium carbonate electrodeposited coating"
Pavez J, Silva JF, Melo F
JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH , Vol. 282, pp. 438, 447
"Homogeneous calcium carbonate coating obtained by electrodeposition: in situ atomic force microscope observations"
Pavez J, Silva JF, Melo F
ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, Vol. 50, pp. 3488, 3494
"How Hertzian solitary waves interact with boundaries in a 1D granular medium"
Job S, Melo F, Sokolow A, Sen S
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 94, pp. 178002
"Size segregation, convection, and arching effect"
Saez A, Vivanco F, Melo F
PHYSICAL REVIEW E , Vol. 72, pp. 021307
"Experimental study of surface waves scattering by a single vortex and a vortex dipole"
Vivanco, F, Melo, F
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 69, pp. 026307
"Wrinkle formations in axi-symmetrically stretched membranes"
J.Ch. Geminard, R. Bernal, F. Melo
European Physical Journal E, Vol. 15, pp. 117, 126
Dynamics of Developable Cones under Shear
E. Hamm, B. Roman, F. Melo
Physical Review E, Vol. 70, pp. 026607
Normal-Mode Vortex Interactions
R. Bernal, C. Coste, F. Lund, F. Melo
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 89(3), pp. 34501
Chirality dependent component of vortex advection in excitable media
V. Voignier, E. Hamm, V. Krinsky
Chaos, Vol. 9, pp. 238, 241
Dense and Sparse Spirals Drift in Opposite Directions in Electric Field
V. Krinsky, E. Hamm, V. Voignier 3854
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 76, pp. 3854, 3857
Fast Selective Annihilation of Spiral Waves
K. Agladze, V. Voignier, E. Hamm, F. Plaza, V. Krinsky.
Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 100, pp. 18764, 18769
Proyectos del grupo
Fondecyt Regular
Guided Tearing of Thin Sheets and Collapse of Shells
Director: Eugenio Hamm
Investigadores principales:
Eugenio Hamm
Investigadores asociados:
Enrique Cerda
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Modified FM tips interacting with supported lipid bilayers: a thermal noise approach
Investigadores principales:
Francisco Melo
Investigadores asociados:
Marcelo Kogan
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Characterization of Granular Flows Created by Interacting Draw Points and its Application to Block Caving
Investigadores principales:
Francisco Vivanco
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Anillos Científicos
Nano and Micromechanics of Soft Matter Systems
Director: Enrique Cerda
Investigadores principales:
Maritza Páez, Marcelo Kogan, Francisco Melo
Investigadores asociados:
Roberto Bernal, Raúl Cordero, Eugenio Hamm, Francisco Vivanco
Número de proyecto:
Anillo Act 95
Año de término: