Grupo Magnetismo

Publicaciones del grupo
Angular dependence of the magnetic properties of permalloy and nickel nanowires as a function of their diameters
S. Raviolo, F. Tejo, N. Bajales, J. Escrig
Materials Research Express, Vol. 5, pp. 015043
Composition and diameter modulation of magnetic nanowire arrays fabricated by a novel approach
M. S. Salem, F. Tejo, R. Zierold, P. Sergelius, J. M. Montero Moreno, D. Goerlitz, K. Nielsch, J. Escrig
Nanotechnology, Vol. 29, pp. 065602
Distinct magnetic field dependence on Néel skyrmion sizes in ultra thin nanodots
F. Tejo, A. Riveros, J. Escrig, K. Y. Guslienko, O. Chubykalo-Fesenko
Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, pp. 6280
Novel Antimicrobial Titanium Dioxide Nanotubes Obtained through a Combination of Atomic Layer Deposition and Electrospinning Technologies
C. L. de Dicastillo, C. Patiño, M. J. Galotto, J. L. Palma, D. Alburquenque, J. Escrig
Nanomaterials, Vol. 8, pp. 128
Dewetting of Co thin films obtained by atomic layer deposition due to the thermal reduction process
D. Alburquenque, V. Bracamonte, M. Del Canto, A. Pereira, J. Escrig
MRS Communications, Vol. 7, pp. 848, 853
Dewetting of Ni thin films obtained by atomic layer deposition due to the thermal reduction process: Variation of the thicknesses
D. Alburquenque, M. Del Canto, C. Arenas, F. Tejo, A. Pereira, J. Escrig
Thin Solid Films, Vol. 638, pp. 114, 118
Method for nanomodulation of metallic thin films following the replica-antireplica process based on porous alumina membranes
J. L. Palma, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 426, pp. 767, 770
Micromagnetic simulations of Permalloy double-dot structures
F. Tejo, R. M. Corona, C. Arenas, J. L. Palma, J. Escrig
Current Applied Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 763, 766
Nanometric alternating magnetic field generator
A. P. Espejo, F. Tejo, N. Vidal-Silva, J. Escrig
Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp. 4736
Stability of Neel skyrmions in ultra-thin nanodots considering Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and dipolar interactions
N. Vidal-Silva, A. Riveros, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 443, pp. 116, 123
Tailoring the magnetic properties of Ni81Fe19 thin films by varying their thickness
D. Alburquenque, L. Pérez-Erices, A. Pereira, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 441, pp. 656, 659
Theoretical investigation on the magnetostatic interaction between two wire-tube nanostructures
A. Riveros, D. Salazar-Aravena, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 428, pp. 452, 456
Three-dimensional characterization of Co/Pd multilayer thin films using resonant soft x-ray scattering
S. Flewett, D. Mishra, T. J. A. Mori, C. M. Gunther, J. C. Denardin, S. Oyarzún, S. Michea, D. Engel, M. Fohler, T. C. R. Rocha, A. Ovalle F. , L. T. Núñez A., B. Pfau, J. Escrig, S. Eisebitt
Physical Review B, Vol. 95, pp. 094430
Unusual behavior of the magnetization reversal in soft/hard multisegmented nanowires
Rosa M. Corona, Ali C. Basaran, Juan Escrig, Dora Altbir
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 438, pp. 168, 172
Enhanced Spin Pumping Efficiency in Antiferromagnetic IrMn Thin Films around the Magnetic Phase Transition
L. Frangou, S. Oyarzún, S. Auffret, L. Vila, S. Gambarelli, V. Baltz
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 116, pp. 077203
Fast ultrasound assisted synthesis of chitosan-based magnetite nanocomposites as a modified electrode sensor
Freire, TM, Dutra, LMU, Queiroz, DC, Ricardo, NMPS, Barreto, K , Denardin, JC, Wurm, FR, Sousa, CP, Correia, AN, de Lima-Neto, P, Fechine, PBA
CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, Vol. 151, pp. 000380943900087 760, 769
Magnetic and electrical characterization of nickel-rich NiFe thin films synthesized by atomic layer deposition and subsequent thermal reduction
A. P. Espejo, R. Zierold, J. Gooth, J. Dendooven, C. Detavernier, J. Escrig, K. Nielsch
Nanotechnology, Vol. 27, pp. 345707
Magnetic properties engineering of nanopatterned cobalt antidot arrays
Andreas Kaidatzis, Rafael P. del Real, Raquel Alvaro, Juan Luis Palma, José Anguita, Dimitrios Niarchos, Manuel Vázquez, Juan Escrig, José Miguel García-Martín
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 49, pp. 175004
Magnetic properties of mosaic nanocomposites composed of nickel and cobalt nanowires
S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, R. M. Corona, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 416, pp. 325, 328
Magnetic vortex core in cylindrical nanostructures: Looking for its stability in terms of geometric and magnetic parameters
A. Riveros, N. Vidal-Silva, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, E. E. Vogel, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 401, pp. 848, 852
Magnetization ground state and reversal modes of magnetic nanotori
Smiljan Vojkovic, Alvaro S. Nunez, Dora Altbir, Vagson L. Carvalho-Santos
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 126 N°3, N°artículo 033901, pp.
Magnetostatic interaction between two nanotubes during magnetization reversal by vortex domain walls
A. Riveros, J. Escrig
IEEE Magnetics Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 4103004
Monte Carlo Modeling of Mixed-Anisotropy [Co/Ni](2)/NiFe Multilayers
Escobar, Roberto A., Tryputen, Larysa, Castillo-Sepulveda, Sebastian, Altbir, Dora, Chung, Sunjae, Nguyen, T. N. Anh, Mohseni, M, Akerman, Johan, Ross, Caroline A.
IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS, Vol. 7, N° 4101205, pp.
Nanoscale zero valent supported by Zeolite and Montmorillonite: Template effect of the removal of lead ion from an aqueous solution
Arancibia-Miranda, Nicolas, Baltazar, Samuel E., Garcia, Alejandra, Munoz-Lira, Daniela, Sepulveda, Pamela, Rubio, Maria A., Altbir, Dora
Skyrmion core size dependence as a function of the perpendicular anisotropy and radius in magnetic nanodots
Allende, S (Allende, S.), Castro, MA (Castro, M. A.)[ 1 ]
JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, Vol. 417, pp. 379147500052 344, 348
Spin transport in p-type germanium
F. Rortais, S. Oyarzún, F. Bottegoni, J.-C. Rojas-Sánchez, P. Laczkowski, A. Ferrari, C. Vergnaud, C. Ducruet, C.. Beigné, N. Reyren, A. Marty, J-P Attané, L. Vila, S. Gambarelli, J. Widiez, F. Ciccacci, H. Jaffrès, J-M. George, M. Jamet
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Vol. 28, pp. 165801
Structural and physicochemical properties of nickel manganite NiMn2O4-delta synthesized by sol-gel and ultra sound assisted methods
Alburquenque, D, Troncoso, L, Denardin, JC, Butera, A, Padmasree, KD , Ortiz, J, Herrera, F, Marco, JF, Gautier, JL
JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, Vol. 672, pp. 373464000043 307, 316
Temperature-dependent magnetic properties of Ni nanotubes synthesized by atomic layer deposition
Alejandro Pereira, Juan L. Palma, Juliano C. Denardin, Juan Escrig
Nanotechnology, Vol. 27, pp. 345709
A soft-hard magnetic nanostructure based on multisegmented CoNi nanowires
A. Pereira, J. L. Palma, M. Vázquez, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 17, pp. 5033, 5038
Angular dependence of coercivity with temperature in Co-based nanowires
C. Bran, A. P. Espejo, E. M. Palmero, J. Escrig, M. Vázquez
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 396, pp. 327, 332
Current-driven vortex domain wall motion in wire-tube nanostructures
A. P. Espejo, N. Vidal-Silva, J. A. López-López, D. Goerlitz, K. Nielsch, J. Escrig
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 106, pp. 132405
Curvature-induced changes in the magnetic energy of vortices and skyrmions in paraboloidal nanoparticles
V. L. Carvalho-Santos, R. G. Elias, J. M. Fonseca, D. Altbir
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117 17 May , pp. 0021-8979 17e518 WOS:000354984100524
Magnetic reversal modes in multisegmented nanowire arrays with long aspect ratio
E. A. Rando, S. Allende
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 118 1 Jul, pp. 0021-8979 013905 WOS:000357873100013
Magnetization reversal dependence on effective magnetic anisotropy in electroplated Co-Cu nanowire arrays
J. García, V. M. Prida, L. G. Vivas, B. Hernando, E. D. Barriga-Castro, R. Mendoza-Reséndez, C. Luna, J. Escrig, M. Vázquez
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Vol. 3, pp. 4688, 4697
Magnetostatic interactions between wire-tube nanostructures
D. Salazar-Aravena, J. L. Palma, J. Escrig
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117, pp. 193905
Multi-stability in low-symmetry magnetic nanoparticles
R. A. Escobar, S. Castillo-Sepulveda, S. Allende, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana, J. D. E. Castro
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117 22 Jun, pp. 0021-8979 223901 WOS:000356176100011
Nanomagnetite-Zeolite Composites in the Removal of Arsenate from Aqueous Systems
C. Pizarro, M. A. Rubio, M. Escudey, M. F. Albornoz, D. Munoz, J. Denardin, J. D. Fabris
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Vol. 26 9 1887-1896 Sep, pp. 0103-5053 WOS:000361556500018
Simulated annealing and entanglement of formation for (n circle times m)-dimensional mixed states
S. Allende, D. Altbir, J. C. Retamal
Physical Review A 92 2 Aug, Vol. , pp. 022348 WOS:000359938200007 1050, 2947
Stability of skyrmions on curved surfaces in the presence of a magnetic field
V. L. Carvalho-Santos, R. G. Elias, D. Altbir, J. M. Fonseca
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 391 179-183 Oct, pp. 0304-8853 WOS:000355260900029
Tailoring the nucleation of domain walls along multi-segmented cylindrical nanoelements
R. F. Neumann, M. Bahiana, S. Allende, D. Altbir, D. Gorlitz, K. Nielsch
Nanotechnology, Vol. 26 21 May, pp. 0957-4484 215701 WOS:000354598800012
Topological magnetic solitons on a paraboloidal shell
P.S.C. Vilas-Boas, R. G. Elias , D. Altbir, J. M. Fonseca, V. L. Carvalho-Santos
Physics Letters A, Vol. 379, pp. 47, 53
Angular dependence of hysteresis shift in oblique deposited ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic coupled bilayers
Oliveira, AB, Rodriguez-Suarez, RL , Michea, S, Vega, H , Azevedo, A, Rezende, SM , Aliaga, C , Denardin, J
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 116, pp. WOS:000340710500046
Angular dependence of the coercivity in electrodeposited Co-Pt nanostructures with tube-wire morphology
M. S. Arshad, D. Pecko, S. Sturm, J. Escrig, M. Komelj, P. J. McGuiness, S. Kobe, K. Z. Rozman
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 50, pp. 2302904
Angular dependence of the magnetic properties of cylindrical diameter modulated Ni80Fe20 nanowires
F. Tejo, N. Vidal-Silva, A. P. Espejo, J. Escrig
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 115, pp. 17D136
Angular dependence of the magnetic properties of cylindrical nanostructures with wire-tube morphology
Salazar-Aravena, D , Palma, JL , Escrig, J
MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, Vol. 1, pp. WOS:000209665000095
Complex magnetic reversal modes in low-symmetry nanoparticles
R. A. Escobar, N. M. Vargas, S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, S. Allende, D. Altbir, J. d Albuquerque e Castro
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 104, pp. 123102
Controlling the magnetization reversal in planar nanostructures with wire-ring morphology
R. M. Corona, A. Aranda, J. L. Palma, C. E. Lopez, J. Escrig
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 105, pp. 082406
Domain wall magnetoresistance in nanowires: Dependence on geometrical factors and material parameters
S. Allende, J.C. Retamal, D. Altbir, J. d Albuquerque e Castro
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , Vol. 355, pp. WOS:000330194600031 197, 200
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetic ordering in 1D and 2D at nonzero T
F. Torres, D. Altbir, M. Kiwi
Europhysics Letters, Vol. 106, pp. 5
Effect of magnetocrystalline anisotropy on the magnetic properties of electrodeposited Co-Pt nanowires
M. S. Arshad, S. Sturm, J. Zavasnik, A. P. Espejo, J. Escrig, M. Komelj, P. J. McGuiness, S. Kobe, K. Z. Rozman
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, Vol. 16, pp. 2688
Ferromagnetic resonance investigation in permalloy magnetic antidot arrays on alumina nanoporous membranes
R. L. Rodríguez-Suárez, J. L. Palma, E. O. Burgos, S. Michea, J. Escrig, J. C. Denardin, C. Aliaga
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 350, pp. 88, 93
Lead removal by nano-scale zero valent iron: Surface analysis and pH effect
N. Arancibia-Miranda, S. E. Baltazar, A. García, A. H. Romero, M. A. Rubio, D. Altbir
Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 59, pp. 341, 348
Ordering temperature in nanostructures: A Heisenberg-Variational approach
E. A. Velásquez, J. Mazo-Zuluaga, J. Mejía-López, D. Altbir
European Journal of Physics, Vol. 87, pp. 61
Physical and electrochemical study of cobalt oxide nano- and microparties
D. Alburquenque, E. Vargas, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig, J. F. Marco, J. Ortiz, J. L. Gautier
Materials Characterization, Vol. 93, pp. 191, 197
Preparation and characterization of a single-walled aluminosilicate nanotube-iron oxide composite: Its applications to removal of aqueous arsenate
N. Arancibia-Miranda, M. Escudey, C. Pizarro, J. C. Denardin, M. T. García-González, J. D. Fabris, L. Charlet
Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 51, pp. 145, 152
Reversal modes in small rings: Signature on the susceptibility
S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, N. M. Vargas, R. Escobar, S. Allende, S. Baltazar , D. Altbir
Journal of Applied Letters, Vol. 115, pp. 223903
Surface rearrangement of nanoscale zerovalent iron: the role of pH and its implications in the kinetics of arsenate sorption
S. Baltazar, A. García, A. H. Romero, M. A. Rubio, N. Arancibia-Miranda, D. Altbir
Environmental Technology, Vol. 35, pp. 2365
Tailoring the magnetic properties of cobalt antidot arrays by varying the pore size and degree of disorder
S. Michea, J. L. Palma, R. Lavin, J. Briones, J. Escrig, J. C. Denardin, R. Rodriguez-Suarez
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 47, pp. 335001
"Domain Wall Control in Wire-Tube Nanoelements"
R. F. Neumann, M. Bahiana, N.M Vargas, D. Altbir, S. Allende, D. Gorlitz and K. Nielsch
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, pp. 202407
"Facile synthesis and magnetic characterizations of single-crystalline hexagonal cobalt nanoplates"
E. Vargas, P. Toro, J. L. Palma, J. Escrig, C.Chaneac, T. Coradin, J. C. Denardin
Materials Letters, Vol. 94, pp. 121, 123
"Magnetic interactions and reversal mechanisms in Co nanowire and nanotube arrays"
M. P. Proenca, C. T. Sousa, J. Escrig, J. Ventura, M. Vázquez, J. P. Araujo
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, pp. 93907
"Magnetic properties of cylindrical diameter modulated Ni80Fe20 nanowires: interaction and coercive fields"
M. S. Salem, P. Sergelius, R. M. Corona, J. Escrig, D. Goerlitz, K. Nielsch
Nanoscale, Vol. 5, pp. 3941, 3947
"Magnetic properties of Fe20Ni80 antidots: Pore size and array disorder"
J. L. Palma, C. Gallardo, L. Spinu, J. M. Vargas, L. S. Dorneles, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 344, pp. 8, 13
"Properties of Fe(8-n) Co(n) nanoribbons and nanowires: a DFT approach"
F. Muñoz, M. Kiwi, D. Altbir and J. L. Morán-López
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , Vol. 339, pp. 75
"Searching for the nanoscopic-macroscopic Boundary"
E. A. Velásquez, D. Altbir, J. Mazo-Zuluaga, L. F. Duque, and J. Mejía-López
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , Vol. 348, pp. 154, 159
Effect of perpendicular uniaxial anisotropy on the annihilation fields of magnetic vortices
E.R.P. Novais, S. Allende, D. Altbir, P. Landeros, F. Garcia, A.P. Guimaraes
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 114, pp. 153905
Magnetic properties of multisegmented cylindrical nanoparticles with alternating magnetic wire and tube segments
D. Salazar-Aravena, R. M. Corona, D. Goerlitz, K. Nielsch, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 346, pp. 171, 174
Superparamagnetic Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) Nanoparticles For Biomedical Applications
C. Vilos, M. Gutiérrez, R. Escobar, F. Morales, J. Denardin, L. Velásquez, D. Altbir
Journal of Biotechnology , Vol. 16, pp. 8
"Angular dependence of the coercivity and remanence of ordered arrays of Co nanowires"
R. Lavín, C. Gallardo, J. L. Palma, J. Escrig, J. C. Denardin
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 2360, 2362
"Confinement of magnetic nanoparticles inside multisegmented nanotubes by means of magnetic field gradients"
R. F. Neumann, M. Bahiana, S. Allende, J. Escrig, D. Altbir
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, pp. 13916
"Dynamics of magnetic microwires suspended in fluids: Magnetostatic forces"
M. Ossandón, A. Pereira, R. Bernal, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig
Revista Mexicana de Física S, Vol. 58, pp. 199, 202
"Extraordinary Hall effect on Fe-rich amorphous thin films and Fe-rich/Cu multilayers"
S. Michea, J. C. Denardin, M. Gamino, L. S. Dorneles, M. A. Correa
Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 407, pp. 3178, 3180
"FORC analysis of Ni(SiO2) nanogranular film in the blocked regime"
R. Lavín, C. Farías, J. C. Denardin
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 1800, 1803
"General approach to the magnetostatic force and interaction between cylindrically shaped nanoparticles"
C. Morales-Concha, M. Ossandón, A. Pereira, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111 (07D131), pp. 1
"Magnetic anisotropy in CoNi nanowire arrays: Analytical calculations and experiments"
L. G. Vivas, M. Vazquez, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, D. C. Leitao, J. P. Araujo
Physical Review B, Vol. 85, pp. 35439
"Magnetic anisotropy in ordered textured Co nanowires"
L. G. Vivas, J. Escrig, D. G. Trabada, G. A. Badini-Confalonieri, M. Vázquez
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 100, pp. 252405
"Magnetic properties of elliptical and stadium-shaped nanoparticles: Effect of the shape anisotropy"
R. M. Corona, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 3824, 3828
"Magnetic properties of nanowire arrays"
R. Lavín, J. C. Denardin, A. Cortés
Revista Mexicana de Física S, Vol. 58, pp. 8, 11
"Magnetization reversal in multisegmented nanowires: Parallel and serial reversal modes"
S. Allende, N. M. Vargas, D. Altbir, V. Vega, D. Goerlitz, K. Nielsch
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, pp. 122412
"Magnetostatic interactions in cylindrical nanostructures with non-uniform magnetization"
O. J. Suárez, L. M. Pérez, D. Laroze, D. Altbir
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 1698, 1705
"Mechanisms of magnetization reversal in stadium-shaped particles"
S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, D. Altbir, N. Vargas, S. Allende
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 112, pp. 83906
"Micromagnetic simulation of Fe asymmetric nanorings"
J. L. Palma, C. Morales-Concha, B. Leighton, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 637, 641
"New He-3 neutron monitor for Chilean cosmic-ray observatories from the Altiplanic zone to the Antarctic zone"
E. G. Cordaro, E. Olivares, D. Galvez, D. Salazar-Aravena, D. Laroze
Advances in Space Research, Vol. 49, pp. 1670, 1683
"Novel ferrofluids coated with a renewable material obtained from cashew nut shell liquid"
A. C. H. Barreto, F. J. N. Maia, V. R. Santiago, V. G. P. Ribeiro, J. C. Denardin, G. Meie, L. Carbone, D. Lomonaco, S. E. Mazzetto, P. B. A. Fechine
Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, Vol. 12, pp. 677, 686
"Reversal modes and magnetostatic interactions in Fe3O4 / ZrO2 / Fe3O4 multilayer nanotubes"
K. Pitzschel, J. Bachmann, J. M Montero-Moreno, J. Escrig, D. Görlitz, K. Nielsch
Nanotechnology, Vol. 23, pp. 495718
"Reversal modes in asymmetric Ni nanowires"
B. Leighton, A. Pereira, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 3829, 3833
"Transport Inefficiency in Branched-Out Mesoscopic Networks: An Analog of the Braess Paradox"
M. G. Pala, S. Baltazar, P. Liu, H. Sellier, B. Hackens, F. Martins, V. Bayot, X. Wallart, L. Desplanque, S. Huant
Physical Review Letters, Vol. 108, pp. 76802
Far infrared near normal specular reflectivity of Nix(SiO2)1−x (x = 1.0, 0.84, 0.75, 0.61, 0.54, 0.28) granular films
N. E. Massaa, J. C. Denardin, L. M. Socolovsky, M. Knobel, F. P. de la Cruz, X. Zhang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 495, pp. 638, 641
Proyectos del grupo
Otras fuentes de financiamiento
Equipo SAXS para la investigación avanzada de materiales
Director: Juan Escrig
Número de proyecto:
Fondequip EQM160155
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Nanomagnetism: from thin films to complex nanostructures
Investigadores principales:
Juan Escrig
Investigadores asociados:
Alejandro Pereira
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Study of Magnetic Nanostructures Fabricated by Self-Assembly and Lithographic Techniques
Investigadores principales:
Juliano Denardin, Juan Luis Palma
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Otras fuentes de financiamiento
NanoMOKE: Magnetómetro magneto-óptico de ultra-alta sensibilidad y microscopio Kerr
Director: Juan Escrig
Investigadores principales:
Juan Escrig
Número de proyecto:
Fondequip EQM140092
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Magnetic properties of Nanostructures
Investigadores principales:
Dora Altbir
Investigadores asociados:
Sebastian Allende, Juan Escrig
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Otras fuentes de financiamiento
Sistema de deposición de capas atómicas
Director: Juan Escrig Murúa
Investigadores principales:
Juan Escrig
Número de proyecto:
Fondequip EQM120045
Año de término:
Fondecyt Iniciación
Magnetic properties of ordered nanostructure arrays
Investigadores principales:
Juan Escrig
Número de proyecto:
Año de término: