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Publicaciones del Académico
Unusual behavior of the magnetization reversal in soft/hard multisegmented nanowires
Rosa M. Corona, Ali C. Basaran, Juan Escrig, Dora Altbir
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 438, pp. 168 , 172
Magnetic properties of mosaic nanocomposites composed of nickel and cobalt nanowires
S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, R. M. Corona, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 416, pp. 325 , 328
Magnetic vortex core in cylindrical nanostructures: Looking for its stability in terms of geometric and magnetic parameters
A. Riveros, N. Vidal-Silva, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, E. E. Vogel, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 401, pp. 848 , 852
Magnetization ground state and reversal modes of magnetic nanotori
Smiljan Vojkovic, Alvaro S. Nunez, Dora Altbir, Vagson L. Carvalho-Santos
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 126 N°3, N°artículo 033901, pp.
Monte Carlo Modeling of Mixed-Anisotropy [Co/Ni](2)/NiFe Multilayers
Escobar, Roberto A., Tryputen, Larysa, Castillo-Sepulveda, Sebastian, Altbir, Dora, Chung, Sunjae, Nguyen, T. N. Anh, Mohseni, M, Akerman, Johan, Ross, Caroline A.
IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS, Vol. 7, N° 4101205, pp.
Nanoscale zero valent supported by Zeolite and Montmorillonite: Template effect of the removal of lead ion from an aqueous solution
Arancibia-Miranda, Nicolas, Baltazar, Samuel E., Garcia, Alejandra, Munoz-Lira, Daniela, Sepulveda, Pamela, Rubio, Maria A., Altbir, Dora
Curvature-induced changes in the magnetic energy of vortices and skyrmions in paraboloidal nanoparticles
V. L. Carvalho-Santos, R. G. Elias, J. M. Fonseca, D. Altbir
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117 17 May , pp. 0021-8979 17e518 WOS:000354984100524
Dipolar-driven formation of cobalt nanoparticle chains in polyethylene films
E. Vargas, W. W. M. Melo, S. Allende, R. F. Neumann, J. C. Denardin, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana
Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 162 229-233 Jul , pp. 0254-0584 WOS:000359958800031
Multi-stability in low-symmetry magnetic nanoparticles
R. A. Escobar, S. Castillo-Sepulveda, S. Allende, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana, J. D. E. Castro
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 117 22 Jun, pp. 0021-8979 223901 WOS:000356176100011
Simulated annealing and entanglement of formation for (n circle times m)-dimensional mixed states
S. Allende, D. Altbir, J. C. Retamal
Physical Review A 92 2 Aug, Vol. , pp. 022348 WOS:000359938200007 1050 , 2947
Stability of skyrmions on curved surfaces in the presence of a magnetic field
V. L. Carvalho-Santos, R. G. Elias, D. Altbir, J. M. Fonseca
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 391 179-183 Oct, pp. 0304-8853 WOS:000355260900029
Tailoring the nucleation of domain walls along multi-segmented cylindrical nanoelements
R. F. Neumann, M. Bahiana, S. Allende, D. Altbir, D. Gorlitz, K. Nielsch
Nanotechnology, Vol. 26 21 May, pp. 0957-4484 215701 WOS:000354598800012
Topological magnetic solitons on a paraboloidal shell
P.S.C. Vilas-Boas, R. G. Elias , D. Altbir, J. M. Fonseca, V. L. Carvalho-Santos
Physics Letters A, Vol. 379, pp. 47 , 53
Ultrafast relaxation rates and reversal time in disordered ferrimagnets
O. J. Suarez, P. Nieves, D. Laroze, D. Altbir, O. Chubykalo-Fesenko
Physical Review B, Vol. 92 14 Oct, pp. 1098-0121 144425 WOS:000363512400004
Unusual magnetic damping effect in a silver-cobalt ferrite hetero nano-system
S. K. Sharma, J. M. Vargas, N. M. Vargas, S. Castillo-Sepulveda, D. Altbir, K. R. Pirota, R. Zboril, G. Zoppellaro, M. Knobel
Rsc Advances, Vol. 5 22 17117-17122, pp. 2046-2069 WOS:000349556700068
Complex magnetic reversal modes in low-symmetry nanoparticles
R. A. Escobar, N. M. Vargas, S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, S. Allende, D. Altbir, J. d Albuquerque e Castro
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 104, pp. 123102
Domain wall magnetoresistance in nanowires: Dependence on geometrical factors and material parameters
S. Allende, J.C. Retamal, D. Altbir, J. d Albuquerque e Castro
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , Vol. 355, pp. WOS:000330194600031 197 , 200
Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetic ordering in 1D and 2D at nonzero T
F. Torres, D. Altbir, M. Kiwi
Europhysics Letters, Vol. 106, pp. 5
Lead removal by nano-scale zero valent iron: Surface analysis and pH effect
N. Arancibia-Miranda, S. E. Baltazar, A. García, A. H. Romero, M. A. Rubio, D. Altbir
Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 59, pp. 341 , 348
Ordering temperature in nanostructures: A Heisenberg-Variational approach
E. A. Velásquez, J. Mazo-Zuluaga, J. Mejía-López, D. Altbir
European Journal of Physics, Vol. 87, pp. 61
Reversal modes in small rings: Signature on the susceptibility
S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, N. M. Vargas, R. Escobar, S. Allende, S. Baltazar , D. Altbir
Journal of Applied Letters, Vol. 115, pp. 223903
Surface rearrangement of nanoscale zerovalent iron: the role of pH and its implications in the kinetics of arsenate sorption
S. Baltazar, A. García, A. H. Romero, M. A. Rubio, N. Arancibia-Miranda, D. Altbir
Environmental Technology, Vol. 35, pp. 2365
"Domain Wall Control in Wire-Tube Nanoelements"
R. F. Neumann, M. Bahiana, N.M Vargas, D. Altbir, S. Allende, D. Gorlitz and K. Nielsch
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 102, pp. 202407
"Properties of Fe(8-n) Co(n) nanoribbons and nanowires: a DFT approach"
F. Muñoz, M. Kiwi, D. Altbir and J. L. Morán-López
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , Vol. 339, pp. 75
"Searching for the nanoscopic-macroscopic Boundary"
E. A. Velásquez, D. Altbir, J. Mazo-Zuluaga, L. F. Duque, and J. Mejía-López
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , Vol. 348, pp. 154 , 159
Effect of perpendicular uniaxial anisotropy on the annihilation fields of magnetic vortices
E.R.P. Novais, S. Allende, D. Altbir, P. Landeros, F. Garcia, A.P. Guimaraes
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 114, pp. 153905
Superparamagnetic Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) Nanoparticles For Biomedical Applications
C. Vilos, M. Gutiérrez, R. Escobar, F. Morales, J. Denardin, L. Velásquez, D. Altbir
Journal of Biotechnology , Vol. 16, pp. 8
"Confinement of magnetic nanoparticles inside multisegmented nanotubes by means of magnetic field gradients"
R. F. Neumann, M. Bahiana, S. Allende, J. Escrig, D. Altbir
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111, pp. 13916
"General approach to the magnetostatic force and interaction between cylindrically shaped nanoparticles"
C. Morales-Concha, M. Ossandón, A. Pereira, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 111 (07D131), pp. 1
"Magnetic anisotropy in CoNi nanowire arrays: Analytical calculations and experiments"
L. G. Vivas, M. Vazquez, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, D. C. Leitao, J. P. Araujo
Physical Review B, Vol. 85, pp. 35439
"Magnetic properties of elliptical and stadium-shaped nanoparticles: Effect of the shape anisotropy"
R. M. Corona, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 3824 , 3828
"Magnetization reversal in multisegmented nanowires: Parallel and serial reversal modes"
S. Allende, N. M. Vargas, D. Altbir, V. Vega, D. Goerlitz, K. Nielsch
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 101, pp. 122412
"Magnetostatic interactions in cylindrical nanostructures with non-uniform magnetization"
O. J. Suárez, L. M. Pérez, D. Laroze, D. Altbir
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 1698 , 1705
"Mechanisms of magnetization reversal in stadium-shaped particles"
S. Castillo-Sepúlveda, D. Altbir, N. Vargas, S. Allende
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 112, pp. 83906
"Micromagnetic simulation of Fe asymmetric nanorings"
J. L. Palma, C. Morales-Concha, B. Leighton, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 324, pp. 637 , 641
"Asymmetric magnetic dots: A way to control magnetic properties"
N. M. Vargas, S. Allende, B. Leighton, J. Escrig, J. Mejía-López, D. Altbir, Ivan K Schuller
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 109, pp. 73907
"Stability of magnetic nanoparticles inside ferromagnetic nanotubes"
R. F. Neumann, M. Bahiana, J. Escrig, S. Allende, K. Nielsch, D. Altbir
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, pp. 22502
"Tailoring the magnetic properties of Fe asymmetric nanodots"
B. Leighton, N. M. Vargas, D. Altbir, J. Escrig
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 323, pp. 1563 , 1567
"Development of vortex state in circular magnetic nanodots: Theory and experiment"
J. Mejía-López, D. Altbir, P. Landeros, J. Escrig, A. H. Romero, I. V. Roshchin, C. P. Li, M. R. Fitzsimmons, X. Battle, Ivan K. Schuller
Physical Review, Vol. 81, pp. 184417 , 0
"Preparation and characterization of magnetic composites based on a natural zeolite"
M. Gutiérrez, M. Escudey, J. Escrig, J. C. Denardin, D. Altbir, J. D. Fabris, L. C. D. Cavalcante, M. T. García-González
Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 58, pp. 589 , 595
"Angular dependence of magnetic properties in Ni nanowire arrays"
R. Lavín, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, A. Cortés, H. Gómez
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 106, pp. 103903
"Asymmetric hysteresis loop in magnetostatic-biased multilayer nanowires"
S. Allende, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, E. Salcedo, M. Bahiana
Nanotechnology, Vol. 20, pp. 445707
"Magnetic cylindrical nanowires with single modulated diameter"
S. Allende, D. Altbir, K. Nielsch
Physical Review B, Vol. 80, pp. 174402
"Magnetostatic bias in multilayer microwires: Theory and experiments"
J. Escrig, S. Allende, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana, J. Torrejón, G. Badini, M. Vázquez
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 23907
"Measurement of the vortex core in sub-100 nm Fe dots using polarized neutron scattering"
I. Roshchin, Chang-Peng Li, H. Suhl, X. Battle, S. Roy, S. Sinha, S. Park, R. Pynn, M. Fitzsimmons, J. M. López, D. Altbir, A. Romero, I. Schuller
EPL, Vol. 86, pp. 67008
"Size effects in ordered arrays of magnetic nanotubes: Pick your reversal mode"
J. Bachmann, J. Escrig, K. Pitzschel, J.M. Montero, J. Jing, D. Gorlitz, D. Altbir, K. Nielsch
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 105, pp. 07B521
"Angular dependence of the transverse and vortex modes in magnetic nanotubes"
S. Allende, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, E. Salcedo, M. Bahiana
European Physical Journal B, Vol. 66, pp. 37 , 40
"Crossover between two different magnetization reversal modes in arrays of iron oxide nanotubes"
J. Escrig, J. Bachmann, J. Jing, M. Daub, D. Altbir, K. Nielsch
Physical Review B, Vol. 77, pp. 214421
"Geometry dependence of coercivity in Ni nanowire arrays"
J. Escrig, R. Lavin, J. L. Palma, J. C. Denardin, D. Altbir, A. Cortes, H. Gomez
Nanotechnology, Vol. 19, pp. 75713
"Magnetic Characterization of Nanowire Arrays Using First Order Reversal Curves"
R. Lavin, J. C. Denardin, J. Escrig, D. Altbir, A. Cortes, H. Gomez
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 44, pp. 2808 , 2811
"Magnetostatic interactions between magnetic nanotubes"
J. Escrig, S. Allende, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, pp. 23101
"Propagation of transverse domain walls in homogeneous magnetic nanowires"
S. Allende, D. Altbir, E. Salcedo, M. Bahiana, J. P. Sinnecker
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 104, pp. 13907
"A detailed analysis of dipolar interactions in arrays of bi-stable magnetic nanowires"
D. Laroze, J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, M. Vazquez, P. Vargas
Nanotechnology, Vol. 18, pp. 415708
"Angular dependence of coercivity in magnetic nanotubes"
J. Escrig, M. Daub, P. Landeros, K. Nielsch, D. Altbir
Nanotechnology, Vol. 18, pp. 445706
"Effect of anisotropy in magnetic nanotubes"
J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, E. E. Vogel
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 310, pp. 2448 , 2450
"Magnetic properties of bi-phase micro- and nanotubes"
J. Escrig, D. Altbir, K. Nielsch
Nanotechnology, Vol. 18, pp. 225704
"Phase diagrams of magnetic nanotubes"
J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, P. Vargas
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 308, pp. 233 , 237
"Remanence of Ni nanowire arrays: Influence of size and labyrinth magnetic structure"
J. Escrig, D. Altbir, M. Jaafar, D. Navas, A. Asenjo, M. Vazquez
Physical Review B, Vol. 75, pp. 184429
"Reversal modes in magnetic nanotubes"
P. Landeros, S. Allende, J. Escrig, E. Salcedo, D. Altbir, E. E. Vogel
Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, pp. 102501
"Role of interactions in layered nanorings"
J. Escrig, P. Landeros, D. Altbir, M. Bahiana, J. D. e Castro
International Journal of Nanotechnology, Vol. 4, pp. 531 , 540
"Vortex core size in interacting cylindrical nanodot arrays"
D. Altbir, J. Escrig, P. Landeros, F. S. Amaral, M. Bahiana
Nanotechnology, Vol. 18, pp. 485707
"Box model for hysteresis loops of arrays of Ni nanowires"
Laroze D, Vargas P, Altbir D, Vazquez M
BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol. 36, pp. 908 , 909
"Fast Monte Carlo method for magnetic nanoparticles"
Vargas P, Altbir D, Castro JDE
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 73, pp. 092417
"Magnetic properties of layered nanorings"
Escrig J, Landeros P, Altbir D, Bahiana M, Castro JDE
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol. 89, pp. 132501
"Reversal modes in arrays of interacting magnetic Ni nanowires: Monte Carlo simulations and scaling technique"
Bahiana M, Amaral FS, Allende S, Altbir D
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 74, pp. 174412
"Stability of magnetic configurations in nanorings"
Landeros P, Escrig J, Altbir D, Bahiana M, Castro JD
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 100, pp. 044311
"Vortex state and effect of anisotropy in sub-100-nm magnetic nanodots"
Mejia-Lopez J, Altbir D, Romero AH, Batlle X, Roshchin IV, Li CP, Schulter IK
JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol. 100 , pp. 104319
"Asymmetric reversal of the hysteresis loop in exchange-biased nanodots"
Mejia-Lopez J, Soto P, Altbir D
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 71, pp. 104422
"Geometric aspects of the dipolar interaction in lattices of small particles"
Arias PR, Altbir D, Bahiana M
"Scaling relations for magnetic nanoparticles"
Landeros P, Escrig J, Altbir D, Laroze D, Castro JDE, Vargas P
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol. 71, pp. 94435
"Ordering effects of the dipolar interaction in lattices of small magnetic particles"
Bahiana M, Nunes JPP, Altbir D, Vargas P
Proyectos vinculados
Fondecyt Regular
Magnetic properties of Nanostructures
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir
Investigadores asociados
Sebastian Allende, Juan Escrig
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Magnetic Properties of Nanostructures with Simple and Complex Geometries
Investigadores principales
Juan Escrig
Investigadores asociados
Dora Altbir
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Magnetic properties of Nanostructures
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Magnetic properties of particles of small size
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir Drullinsky
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Magnetic properties of particles of small size
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir Drullinsky
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Magnetic properties of particles of small size
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir Drullinsky
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Magnetic properties of grains and multilayer systems
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir Drullinsky
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Magnetic properties of grains and multilayer systems
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir Drullinsky
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Magnetic and transport properties of inhomogeneous systems
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir Drullinsky
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Magnetic and transport properties of inhomogeneous systems
Investigadores principales
Dora Altbir Drullinsky
Número de proyecto
Año de término: