Departamento de Física

Facultad de Ciencia
Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Perfil persona:

Publicaciones del Académico


Non-Abelian monopoles as the origin of dark matter
Falomir, H, Gamboa, J, Mendez, F
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 31, pp. 000382847200003


Cosmic four-fermion neutrino secret interactions, enhancement, and total cross section
D. Carcamo, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, A. K. Das, A. P. Polychronakos
Physical Review D, Vol. 91 6 Mar, pp. 1550-7998 065028 WOS:000351574000011
Cosmological kinetic mixing
A. Das, J. Gamboa, M. Pino
Physical Review D, Vol. 91 12 Jun, pp. 1550-7998 123528 WOS:000356483200002
Extracting hidden-photon dark matter from an LC-circuit
P. Arias, A. Arza, B. Dobrich, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez
European Physical Journal, Vol. C 75 7 Jul, pp. 1434-6044 310 WOS:000357481200001 1 , 5
Higgs model coupled to dark photons
D. Carcamo, J. Gamboa, M. Pino
Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 30 7 Mar, pp. 0217-7323 1550030 WOS:000350349400003


Analogies between nuclear physics and dark matter
Carcamo, D, Riveros, A , Gamboa, J
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 29, pp. WOS:000346706200007
Cosmic neutrino background as a ferromagnet
P. Arias, J. Gamboa, J. López-Sarrión
Physics Letters B, Vol. 735, pp. 173 , 175
Extracting Hidden-Photon Dark Matter From an LC-Circuit
P. Arias, A. Arza, B. Döbrich, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez
DESY 14-214, Vol. , pp.


"Particle-antiparticle asymmetry from magnetogenesis through the Landau mechanism"
D. Carcamo, A. Das, J. Gamboa, M. Loewe
Physics Letters B, Vol. 718, pp. 1548 , 1551


"Dynamics determines geometry"
S. A. Hojman, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez
Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 27, pp. 1250186
"Graphene and non-Abelian quantization"
H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, M. Loewe, M. Nieto
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Vol. 45, pp. 135308
"Noncommutativity in (2+1)-dimensions and the Lorentz group"
H. Falomir, F. Vega, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, M. Loewe
Physical Review D, Vol. 86, pp. 105035
"Spin noncommutativity and the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator"
H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, M. Loewe, F. Méndez, J. C. Rojas
Physical Review D, Vol. 85, pp. 25009


"Aharonov-Bohm effect in a class of noncommutative theories"
A. Das, H. Falomir, M. Nieto, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez
Physical Review D, Vol. 84, pp. 45002
"Generalization of the cooper pairing mechanism for spin-triplet in superconductors"
A. Das, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, F. Torres
Physics Letters A, Vol. 375, pp. 1756 , 1759


"Neutrino oscillations in a minimal CPT violation frame"
P. Arias, J. Gamboa
Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 25, pp. 277


"Effects of heavy bosonic excitations on QED vacuum"
P. Arias, J. Gamboa, H. Falomir, F. Mendez
Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 24, pp. 1289
"Magnetic-dipole spin effects in noncommutative quantum mechanics"
H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, J. López, F. Mendez, P. Pisani
Physics Letters B, Vol. 680, pp. 384 , 386
"Non-commutative Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics"
A. Das, H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez
Physics Letters B, Vol. 670, pp. 407 , 415
"U(2) Kinetic Mixing Terms and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking"
J. López, P. Arias, J. Gamboa
Modern Physics Letters A, Vol. 24, pp. 2539 , 2550


"Axions and "light shining through a wall": A detailed theoretical analysis"
S. L. Adler, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, J. Lopez-Sarrion
Annals of Physics, Vol. 323, pp. 2851 , 2872
"Radiative processes as a condensation phenomenon and the physical meaning of deformed canonical structures"
J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, L. S. Grigorio, M. S. Guimaraes, C. Wotzasek
Physics Letters B, Vol. 688, pp. 447 , 452


"Chiral anomaly beyond Lorentz invariance"
P. Arias, H. Falomir, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, F. A. Schaposnik
Physical Review D, Vol. 76, pp. 25019
"CPT/Lorentz invariance violation and neutrino oscillation"
P. Arias, J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, A. Das, J. Lopez-Sarrion
Physics Letters B, Vol. 650, pp. 401 , 406


"Matter-antimatter asymmetry generated at low temperatures"
Carmona JM, Cortes JL, Das A, Gamboa J, Mendez F
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 21, pp. 883 , 892
"Ultraviolet modified photons and anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation"
Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J, Polychronakos AP
PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 634, pp. 471 , 473
"Vortices in U(1) noncommutative gauge fields"
Falomir H, Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J, Mendez F, da Silva AJ
PHYSICAL REVIEW D , Vol. 74, pp. 047701
"Vortices, infrared effects and Lorentz invariance violation"
Falomir H, Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J, Mendez F, da Silva AJ
PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 632, pp. 740 , 744


"An adiabatic approximation to the path integral for relativistic fermionic fields"
Cortes JL, Gamboa J, Lepe S, Lopez-Sarrion J
PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol. 619, pp. 367 , 376
"Gauge field theory in the infrared regime"
Das A, Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J, Schaposnik FA
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 72, pp. 107702
"Quantum uncertainty in doubly special relativity"
Cortes JL, Gamboa J
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, Vol. 71, pp. 065015
"U(1) noncommutative gauge fields and magnetogenesis"
Gamboa J, Lopez-Sarrion J
PHYSICAL REVIEW D , Vol. 71, pp. 067702


"Central charges and effective action at finite temperature and density"
Gamboa, J, Lopez-Sarrion, J
MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A, Vol. 19, pp. 223 , 238
"Quantum theory of tensionless noncommutative p-branes"
Gamboa J, Loewe M, Mendez F
PHYSICAL REVIEW D , Vol. 70, pp. 106006

Proyectos vinculados


Otras fuentes de financiamiento

Física Altas Energías: Aspectos Perturbativos y No Perturbativos
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Investigadores asociados
Miguel Pino
Número de proyecto
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Perturbative and non-perturbatives aspects in particle physics
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Investigadores asociados
Ashok Das (University of Rochester, USA), Alexios Polychronakos (CCNY, USA), Andreas Ringwald (DESY, Germany), Pierre Sikivie (University of Florida, USA), Stephen L. Adler (IAS, USA)
Número de proyecto
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Fundamental symmetries, axions and beyond
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Número de proyecto
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Lorentz invariance violation and quantum field theory
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Número de proyecto
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Lorentz invariance violation and quantum field theory
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Número de proyecto
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Lorentz invariance violation and quantum field theory
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Lorentz invariance violation and quantum field theory
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Número de proyecto
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Non-perturbative methods in quantum field theory
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
Non-perturbative methods in quantum field theory
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Número de proyecto
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Quantum field theories in lower dimensions
Investigadores principales
Jorge Gamboa
Número de proyecto
Año de término:
