Departamento de Física

Facultad de Ciencia
Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Laboratorio Metrología Optica

Páginas Laboratorio Metrología Optica

Director laboratorio:
Raúl R. Cordero
Ubicación laboratorio:
(56-2)7 181 299
Email laboratorio:

Publicaciones del laboratorio


Black carbon and other light-absorbing impurities in snow in the Chilean Andes
Penny M. Rowe, Raul R. Cordero, Stephen G. Warren, Emily Stewart, Sarah J. Doherty, Alec Pankow, Michael Schrempf, Gino Casassa, Jorge Carrasco, Jaime Pizarro, Shelley MacDonell, Alessandro Damiani, Fabrice Lambert, Roberto Rondanelli, Nicolas Huneeus
Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 4008
Elemental and Mineralogical Composition of the Western Andean Snow (18°S–41°S)
Juan A. Alfonso, Raul R. Cordero, Penny M. Rowe, Steven Neshyba, Gino Casassa, Jorge Carrasco, Shelley MacDonell, Fabrice Lambert, Jaime Pizarro, Francisco Fernandoy, Sarah Feron, Alessandro Damiani, Pedro Llanillo, Edgardo Sepulveda, Jose Jorquera, Belki
Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 8130
Observations and Projections of Heat Waves in South America
S. Feron, R. R. Cordero, A. Damiani, P. J. Llanillo, J. Jorquera, E. Sepulveda, V. Asencio, D. Laroze, F. Labbe, J. Carrasco & G. Torres
Scientific Reports, Vol. 9, pp. 8173


Dual-plane slightly off-axis digital holography based on a single cube beam splitter
Miguel León-Rodríguez, Juan A. Rayas, Raúl R. Cordero, Amalia Martínez-García, Adrián Martínez-Gonzalez, Alejandro Téllez-Quiñones, Pedro Yañez-Contreras, and Orlando Medina-Cázares
Applied Optics, Vol. 57(10), pp. 2727 , 2735
Evaluation of Himawari-8 surface downwelling solar radiation by ground-based measurements
Alessandro Damiani, Hitoshi Irie, Takashi Horio, Tamio Takamura, Pradeep Khatri, Hideaki Takenaka, Takashi Nagao, Takashi Y. Nakajima and Raul R. Cordero
Atmos. Meas. Tech., Vol. 11, pp. 2501 , 2521
Oxygen Pathways and Budget for the Eastern South Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone
P. J. Llanillo, J. L. Pelegrí, L. D. Talley J. Peña‐Izquierdo, R. R. Cordero
JGR Oceans, Vol. 123(3), pp. 1722 , 1744
Ultraviolet radiation in the Atacama Desert
Cordero RR, Damiani A, Jorquera J, Sepúlveda E, Caballero M, Fernandez S, Feron S, Llanillo PJ, Carrasco J, Laroze D, Labbe F.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, Vol. 111(8), pp. 1301 , 1313


Rural Electrification Efforts Based on Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems in the Andean Region: Comparative Assessment of Their Sustainability
Sarah Feron, Raúl R. Cordero, Fernando Labbe
Sustainability, Vol. 9(10), pp. 1825
Using a single-cube beam-splitter as a fringe pattern generator within a structured-light projection system for surface metrology
Juan A. Rayas; Miguel León-Rodríguez; Amalia Martínez-García; Katia Genovese; Orlando M. Medina; Raúl R. Cordero
Optical Engineering, Vol. 56(4), pp. 044103


Sustainability of rural electrification programs based on off-grid photovoltaic (PV) systems in Chile
Sarah Feron, Harald Heinrichs, Raul R. Cordero
Energy, Sustainability and Society, Vol. 6:32, pp.
The Solar Spectrum in the Atacama Desert
Cordero R.R., Damiani A., Seckmeyer G., Jorquera J., Caballero M., Rowe P., Ferrer J., Mubarak R., Carrasco J., Rondanelli R., Matus M., Laroze D
Sci. Rep. , Vol. 22457 , pp.


Changes in the UV Lambertian equivalent reflectivity in the Southern Ocean: Influence of sea ice and cloudiness
Cordero, Raúl R., Damiani, A., Carrasco, J., Watanabe, S., Kawamiya, M., Lagun, V.E.
Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 169, pp. 75 , 92
Reduction of the ringing effect in off-axis digital holography reconstruction from two reconstruction distances based on Talbot effect
León-Rodríguez M., Cordero R.R., Rayas J.A., Martinez-Garcia A., Martínez-Gonzalez A., Labbe F., Téllez-Quiñones A., Flores-Muñoz V.
Optical Engineering, Vol. 54 (10), pp.


Aerosol Effect on the UV Irradiance in Santiago de Chile
Cordero R.R., Seckmeyer G, Damiani A, Jorquera J, Carrasco J, Muñoz R., Da Silva L., Labbe F, Laroze D
Atmospheric Research, Vol. , pp.
Cloud cover and UV index estimates in Chile from satellite-derived and ground-based data
A. Damiani, Cordero RR, Laurenza M. Rafanelli, Labbe F
Atmospheric Research, Vol. , pp.
The world’s highest levels of surface UV: a case study
R. Cordero, Seckmeyer G, Riechelmann S, Damiani A, Labbe F, D. Laroze
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., Vol. , pp.
UV Irradiance and Albedo at Union Glacier Camp (Antarctica): a case study
R. Cordero, Damiani A., Carrasco J, Ferrer J., Rayas J., Jorquera J., Tobar M., Labbe F., Laroze D
Plos One, Vol. , pp.


Downwelling and Upwelling Radiance Distributions sampled under Cloudless Conditions in Antarctica
R. Cordero, Damiani A., Ferrer J., Rayas J., Jorquera J., Tobar M., Labbe F., Laroze D
Applied Optics , Vol. , pp.
Monte Carlo-based Uncertainties of Surface UV Estimates from Models and from Spectroradiometers
R. Cordero, Seckmeyer G, Damiani A, Labbe F, Laroze D
Metrologia, Vol. , pp.
Satellite-derived UV Climatology at Escudero Station (Antarctic Peninsula)
R. Cordero, Damiani A, Seckmeyer G, Riechelmann S, Labbe F, Laroze D, Garate F
Antarctic Science , Vol. , pp.
Satellite-derived UV irradiance for a region with complex morphology and meteorology: comparison against ground measurements in Santiago de Chile
A. Damiani, Cabrera S, Muñoz RC, Cordero RR, Labbe F,
International Journal of Remote Sensing , Vol. , pp.
Spectral UV radiance measured at a coastal site: a case study
R. Cordero, Damiani A, Dasilva L, Laroze, D, Labbe F
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., Vol. , pp.


Impact of January 2005 solar proton events on chlorine species
A. Damiani, B. Funke, D. R. Marsh, M. Lopez-Puertas, M. L. Santee, L. Froidevaux, S. Wang, C. H. Jackman, T. von Clarmann, A. Gardini, R. R. Cordero, and M. Storini
Atmos. Chem. Phys., Vol. , pp.
Montecarlo-based technique for Uncertainty Calculations
R: Cordero
Book published by SVH-Verlag, Germany, ISBN: 978-3.8381-3438-3, Vol. , pp.
Three years of ground-based total ozone measurements in Arctic: comparison with OMI and GOME satellites
9. A. Damiani, De Simone S., Rafanelli C., Cordero R.R., Laurenza M
Remote Sensing of Environment , Vol. , pp.


Measurement of in plane strain by shearography and electronic speckle pattern interferometry
A. Martínez, Rayas JA, Cordero RR, Labbe F
Rev Mex Fis , Vol. 57, pp. 518 , 523
Stratospheric ozone and surface ultraviolet radiation
A Douglass, V Fioletov, S Godin-Beekmann, RS Stolarski, A Webb, A Arola, JB Burkholder, JP Burrows, MP Chipperfield, R Cordero, C David, PN den Outer, SB Diaz, LE Flynn, M Hegglin, JR Herman, P Huck, IM Janosi, JW Kryscin, Y Liu, J Logan, Katja Matthes, R
World Meteorological Organization, WMO, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project—Report No. 52, Vol. , pp.


Analysis of Optical Configurations for Electronic Speckle-Pattern Interferometry (ESPI)
A. Martinez, Rayas J.A. Cordero RR. Genovese K.
Opt Laser Eng , Vol. 46, pp. 48 , 54
Cosine error influence on ground-based spectral UV irradiance measurements
R. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Labbe F.
Metrologia, Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Evaluation of Spectral UV Irradiance Measurements
R. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Pissulla D. DaSilva L. Labbe F.
Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty of experimental integrals: application to the UV index calculation
R. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Pissulla D. Labbe F.
Metrologia, Vol. , pp.


Detecting the beginning of the shear band formation in uniaxial tensile tests by out-of-plane displacement measurements
F. Labbe, Cordero RR
Opt Laser Eng , Vol. , pp.
Evaluating the uncertainties of data rendered by computational models
R. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Labbe F
Metrologia, Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Analysis of Temporal Phase-Stepping Algorithms for Interferometry
R. Cordero, Molimard J. Martinez A. Labbe F
Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty evaluation of the spectral UV irradiance evaluated by using the UVSPEC Radiative Transfer Model
R. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Pissulla D. DaSilva L. Labbe F
Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.


ectronic speckle pattern interferometer design to get maximum sensitivity on the measurement of displacement vector fields
A. Martinez, Rayas J.A. Cordero RR.
Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Effect of the resolution on the uncertainty evaluation
R. Cordero, Seckmeyer G. Labbe F.
Metrologia, Vol. , pp.
Measuring out-of-plane displacements by electronic speckle-pattern interferometry (ESPI) and whole-field subtractive moiré
R. Cordero, Labbé F.
Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Monitoring the strain-rate progression of an aluminium sample undergoing tensile deformation by Electronic Speckle-Pattern Interferometry (ESPI)
R. Cordero, Labbé F.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. , pp.


Climatology of Surface Ultraviolet-Radiation in Valparaiso, Chile
R. Cordero, Roth P. DaSilva L. Georgiev A.
Energy Conversion and Management , Vol. , pp.
Economic growth or environmental protection? The false dilemma of the Latin-American Countries
R. Cordero, Roth P. DaSilva L.
Environmental Science and Policy , Vol. , pp.
Evaluation of the uncertainty associated with a phase-difference map measured only once by the phase-shifting technique
R. Cordero, Labbé F. Martínez A. Rodríguez-Vera R.
Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Measuring displacement derivatives by Electronic Speckle Pattern Shearing Interferometry (ESPSI)
F. Labbé, Cordero RR. Martínez A. Rodríguez-Vera R.
Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Monitoring the plastic deformation progression of a specimen undergoing tensile deformation by moiré interferometry
F. Labbé, Cordero RR.
Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
On Two Methods to Evaluate the Uncertainty of Derivatives Calculated from Polynomials Fitted to Experimental Data
R. Cordero, Roth P.
Metrologia , Vol. , pp.
Revisiting the problem of the evaluation of the uncertainty associated with a single measurement
R. Cordero, Roth P.
Metrologia , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty analysis of displacement measured by in-plane ESPI with spherical wavefronts
A. Martínez, Cordero RR. Rayas J.A. Puga H.J. Rodríguez-Vera R.
Applied Optics , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Evaluation of displacement gradients measured by Electronic Speckle Pattern Shearing Interferometry (ESPSI)
R. Cordero, Labbé F.
Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Evaluation of out-of-plane displacements measured by Electronic Speckle-Pattern Interferometry (ESPI)
R. Cordero, Labbé F.
Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Whole-Field Analysis of Uniaxial Tensile Tests by Moiré Interferometry
R. Cordero, François M. Lira I. Vial-Edwards C.
Optics and Laser in Engineering , Vol. , pp.


Assigning Probability Density Functions in a Context of Information Shortage
R. Cordero, Roth P.
Metrologia , Vol. , pp.
The Uncertainty of Experimental Derivatives: Application to Strain Measurement
I. Lira, Cordero R. François M. Vial-Edwards C.
Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Analysis of Displacements Measured by Phase-Shifting Moiré Interferometry
R. Cordero, Lira I.
Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Uncertainty Evaluation of Displacements Measured by Electronic Speckle-Pattern Interferometry
R. Cordero. Martínez A. Rodríguez-Vera R. Roth P.
Optics Communications , Vol. , pp.
Whole-Field Strain Uncertainty Evaluation by a Monte Carlo Method
R. Cordero, Roth P.
Meas. Sci. Technol. , Vol. , pp.

Proyectos del Laboratorio


Anillos Científicos

Black Carbon in the Andean Cryosphere
R. Cordero
Investigadores principales
R. Cordero (Director)
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Characterization of Low Clouds over the Antarctic Peninsula and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS)
Penny Rowe
Investigadores asociados
  • R Cordero
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:


Development of sensors for surface and UAV-born monitoring of albedo
Gino Casassa
Investigadores asociados
  • R. Cordero
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Reflectivity of Antarctica
Investigadores principales
Raúl Cordero, Alessandro Damiani, Jorge Carrasco
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Influence of the solar activity on the polar environment
A. Damiani
Investigadores principales
R. Cordero
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:

Otras fuentes de financiamiento

Downwelling and Upwelling Radiance Distributions sampled under Cloudless Conditions in Antarctica
R. Cordero
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Multichannel Spectroradiometer for Ozone and UV monitoring in Antarctica
R. Cordero
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Programa Centro de Energía
R. Cordero
Investigadores principales
A. Damiani
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:


National Standards for Shortwave radiation and for UV doses
R. Cordero
Investigadores principales
R. Bernal
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:

Fondecyt Regular

Development of a UV Reconstruction Model
R. Cordero
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:


Académicos vinculados