
Director laboratorio:
Dinesh Pratap
Ubicación laboratorio:
1° piso - Block B
(56-2)27 181 224
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Publicaciones del laboratorio
Ethylene glycol mediated facile and controlled growth of ultralong hexagonal silver molybdate microrods
Javier Enriquez Montenegro, Carolina Manquian Villalobos, Dinesh Pratap Singh
Materials Letters, Vol. 215, pp. 129 , 133
Graphene oxide: An efficient material and recent approach for biotechnological and biomedical applications
Dinesh Pratap Singh, Carlos Eugenio Herrera, Brijesh Singh, Shipra Singh, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Rajesh Kumar
Materials Science and Engineering: C, Vol. 86, pp. 173 , 197
Hexaaquazinc(II) dinitrate bis[5-(pyridinium-3-yl)- tetrazol-1-ide]
Ignacio Chi-Duran, Javier Enriquez, Andres Vega, Felipe Herrera, and Dinesh Pratap Singh
Crystallographic Communications, Vol. E74, pp. 1231 , 1234
pH-Controlled Assembly of 3D and 2D Zinc-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks with Tetrazole Ligands
Ignacio Chi-Durań, Javier Enríquez, Carolina Manquian, Kerry Wrighton-Araneda, Walter Cañon-Mancisidor, Diego Venegas-Yazigi, Felipe Herrera, and Dinesh Pratap Singh
ACS Omega, Vol. 3, pp. 801 , 807
pH-Controlled Assembly of 3D and 2D Zinc-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks with Tetrazole Ligands
Ignacio Chi-Durán, Javier Enríquez, Carolina Manquian, Kerry Wrighton-Araneda, Walter Cañon-Mancisidor, Diego Venegas-Yazigi, Felipe Herrera, Dinesh Pratap Singh
ACS Omega, Vol. 3, pp. 801 , 807
Recent advances in the synthesis and modification of carbon-based 2D materials for application in energy conversion and storage
Rajesh Kumar, Ednan Joanni, Rajesh K. Singh, Dinesh P. Singh, Stanislav A. Moshkalev
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Vol. 67, pp. 10.1016/j.pecs.2018.03.001 115 , 157
Acetonitrile mediated facile synthesis and self-assembly of silver vanadate nanowires in to 3D spongy like structure as a cathode material for lithium ion battery
W. Klockner, R. M. Yadav , J. Yao, S. Lei, A. Aliyan, J. Wu, A. A. Martí, R. Vajtai, P. M Ajayan, J. C. Denardin, D. Serafini, F. Melo, D. P. Singh
Journal of Nanoparticles Research, Vol. 19, pp. 288 , 302
Controlled density of defects assisted perforated structure in reduced graphene oxide nanosheets-palladium hybrids for enhanced ethanol electro-oxidation
Rajesh Kumar, Raluca Savu, Rajesh K. Singh, Ednan Joanni, Dinesh P. Singh, Vidhu S. Tiwari, Alfredo R. Vaz, Everson T.S.G. da Silva, Jaqueline R. Maluta, Lauro T. Kubota,
Carbon, Vol. , pp.
Laser-assisted synthesis, reduction and micro-patterning of graphene: Recent progress and applications
R. Kumar, R.K. Singh, D.P. Singh, E. Joanni, R.M. Yadav and S.A. Moshkalev
Coordination Chemistry Review , Vol. 342, pp. 34 , 79
Synthesis of self-assembled and hierarchical palladium-CNTs-reduced graphene oxide composites for enhanced field emission properties
Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh K. Singh, Dinesh P. Singh, Alfredo R. Vaz, Raja R. Yadav, Chandra S. Rout, Stanislav A. Moshkalev,
Materials & Design, Vol. 122, pp. 110 , 117
Effective parameter study for the facile and controlled growth of silver molybdate nano/micro rods
Javier Esteban Enríquez MontenegroDinesh Pratap Singh
Frontiers of Materials Science, Vol. , pp. DOI: 10.1007/s11706-016-0360-x
Graphene oxide: Strategies for synthesis, reduction and frontier applications
R. K. Singh, R. Kumar and D. P. Singh
RSC Advances, Vol. 6, pp. DOI: 10.1039/C6RA07626B 64993 , 65011
Microwave heating time dependent synthesis of various dimensional graphene oxide supported hierarchical ZnO nanostructures and its photoluminescence studies
R. Kumar, R. K. Singh, D. P. Singh, R. Savu and Moshkalev
Materials & Design, Vol. 111, pp. 291 , 300
Natural and Waste Hydrocarbon Precursors for the Synthesis of Carbon Based Nanomaterials: Graphene and CNTs
R. Kumar, R. K. Singh, and D. P. Singh
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 58, pp. 976 , 1006
Freestanding 3D Graphene–Nickel Encapsulated Nitrogen-Rich Aligned Bamboo Like Carbon Nanotubes for High-Performance Supercapacitors with Robust Cycle Stability
1. R. Kumar, R. K. Singh, P. K. Dubey, D. P. Singh and R. M. Yadav and R.S.Tiwari
Adv. Mater. Int., , Vol. , pp.
Highly zone-dependent synthesis of different carbon nanostructures using plasma-enhanced arc discharge technique
R. Kumar, R. K. Singh, P. K. Dubey, R. M. Yadav, D. P. Singh, R. S. Tiwari and O. N. Srivastava
Journal of Nanoparticle Research , Vol. 17, pp. 24
Hydrothermal synthesis of a uniformly dispersed hybrid graphene–TiO2 nanostructure for optical and enhanced electrochemical applications
R. Kumar, R. K. Singh, P. K. Dubey, D. P. Singh, R. M. Yadav and R. S. Tiwari
RSC Advance, Vol. 5, pp. 7112 , 7120
Self-assembled Hierarchical Formation of Conjugated 3D Cobalt oxide Nanobeads-CNTs-Graphene Nanostructure using Microwave for High Performance Supercapacitor Electrode
Rajesh Kumar, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Pawan Kumar Dubey, Dinesh Pratap Singh, Ram Manohar Yadav
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Vol. , pp.
Proyectos del Laboratorio
Institutos Científicos Milenio
Millenium Institute for Research in Optics
Aldo Delgado
Investigadores principales
Felipe Herrera, Dinesh Singh, Birger Seifert, Rodrigo Vicencio, Aldo Delgado, Gustavo Lima, Jaime Anguita, Marcel Clerc
Número de proyecto:
Año de término:
Fondecyt Regular
Graphene based flexible, light-weight, inexpensive and efficient organic photovoltaic/dye sensitized solar cells
Dinesh Pratap Singh
Investigadores principales
Dinesh Pratap Singh
Número de proyecto:
Año de término: